***JAKE * ALERT !!!***

  • bill_cadwell
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Jake, please pay close attention to the last sentence in Mike’s Fish Report Update for 6-02-05.

    Lake Zumbro: The bite has been a little tougher this past week. There has been lots of boating activity, especially on weekends. Crappies and bluegills are coming more consistently near shorelines, but some are still being found in deep water. Crappie minnows, waxies or worms, and small jigs will work. There are also some nice sized northerns being caught by accident when fishing for crappies. Largest northern I’ve heard of came in at 44 inches!

    NOWS your chance for one of them ”toothie critters” you have been dreamin about !!!

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 569

    Just replying to show everyone that i changed my signature…Jake, the pressure’s on must be easy to catch those darn things…….

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    You guys have no faith in the Lake Zumbro guide. Heck, I bet he’s sharpening his red and white dare devil now!

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    I have to admit when I saw this topic, I figured oh some turkey post, then I saw Bill did it. Caught my attention, but maybe I was right
    Snap to whippersnapper


    Posts: 439

    Jake, as my dad used to say, go show them who poo-pooed in the buckwheat. Just wanted to tell you I sent your story on the muskie to 2 of my brothers, who fish a lot, and they just loved it. Send just your story. Waiting for the next. Good luck.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607


    I have to admit when I saw this topic, I figured oh some turkey post, then I saw Bill did it. Caught my attention, but maybe I was right

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607


    Just replying to show everyone that i changed my signature…Jake, the pressure’s on must be easy to catch those darn things…….

    Jakes my hero too. When I grow up I want to be just like him.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Gaush golly darn gee Bill……you are so kind…..pickin on me when I don’t even have my internet hooked up to respond yet

    But if you want to get into the Northern debat again, here’s what I’ll say….

    I personally did NOT catch a single northern or get bitten off by one all spring while fishing for crappies…….I did have 2 come into the boat by my fishing partners, although both were very small (the biggest being maybe 3#s )

    But that being said, I have no doubt that someone told Mike they caught a 44″ northern on Lake Zumbro…..but from my experince working at the bait shop last summer, I can tell you (and I’m sure Mike would back this up), there are some weird fisherman around and you hear a LOT of these big fish stories.

    For example:

    I had two different people claim to have caught 8-10# Large Mouth out at Foster Arends (those would be state record fish)…….one even went far enough as to tell me his secret big bass catchin bait…..”Green night-crawlers”

    Or how bout this…..did you know, “at certain times of the year, you can catch 12″ sunnies left and right off the pier at Chester woods”

    Or how bout the “at least 30# Channel Cat” someone hauled in behind the trailor park on the Zumbro River

    Heck, I don’t suppose any of you remember the picture of that 13# brown trout that was posted on here last summer that was said to have been takin out of Fosters?…….Well, I can garuandangtee ya it was NOT caught at Fosters

    So what’s the point of all my nonsense rambling…….I treat every fish story I hear with skepticsim (sp?)……UNLESS I see a picture or know the reliablity of the source .

    Now, I’m not saying there aren’t any 44″ Pike in Lake Zumbro (as I do believe there probably are), and I’m not saying one wasn’t caught……I’m just saying I’d like to start seeing some pictures of all these monster fish coming out of the lake .

    and just incase any of ya didn’t know……I have moved back to Winona for the summer……I’m taking a summer class and working in sporting goods at Fleet Farm……so you guys are on your own for Lake Zumbro/Rochester area reports, as I’ll be doing most of my fishin now on the Mighty Miss


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Geez Jake,

    I thought everyone was full of baloney except you and me, and now I’m beginning to wonder about you! So, where did that 13 lb. brown trout come from?
    Just for the sake of reputation, I do not post anything that I am not fairly certain is true. Unlike a certain young whippersnapper I know…

    Good Fishing,

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    (does that answer the question?)

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