Any tips?
First of all, if ya want crappies lose the crawlers .
We stay very mobile when fishing for the crappies out there (almost like we’re bass fishing ). Pick a shore line and work down it slowly with the trolling motor casting LIGHT jigs (1/32 or less) with plastics or minnows. Pitch the jigs right up TIGHT to shore and let them slowly fall. The crappies will usually hang around wood, but not always…..some docks and rock structures will also hold them. Just keep moving and casting. Once you connect with a fish, stop and work the area (structure) over well.
We usually catch a few, then keep on moving, and return later to hit it again and pull out a few more. Once you find a few areas holding fish, you can keep rotating between them.
Every once in a while you find a large school that’s really bangin that you can just anchor up and sit on. But don’t drop that anchor out unless your really catchin fish.
Hope this helps