Article by Mike Smith – Panfish on Artificials

  • In-Depth Webstaff
    Posts: 2756

    Here’s an article from panfish guru Mike Smith that offers up some insight and tips on how to improve the size of the panfish you catch…. using artificials. With the weather warming we’re bound to see a resurgence of the spring panfish bite. This read will help you land those elusive “bull” gills and slab crappies!

    Success without livebait… Time for springtime panfish!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 417

    I not only read this article in the Post Bullentin, but reviewed again in here. Yes, there is no doubt Mike is the Guru when it comes to panfishing with plastics. Few out there can match his experience and knowledge in this arena.
    What makes his approach so unique is the fact that he will admit, one has to be versatile. What worked yesterday, might not work today, so be willing to CHANGE and EXPERIMENT. If that includes using live bait, then by all means, give them what they want. A lot of pros, including Al Linder have promoted the use of plastics for panfish, however, Mike’s article puts things in perspective in our backyard. I personally believe in using Mini Mites or Flicktails. Some have touted Culpert Paddletails. Oh I won’t argue that you can’t catch fish of them, just has been my experience if on that particular day they will take a paddletail, well then, you most likely can catch them just as well on other plastics. A good lure, but not quite the miracle lure. My personal observation and experience, I realize, some would argue. Again Mike, very nice article.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Very good article indeed. Mike knows his stuff and is a panfish geru in my mind. So is Ron. They both have fished for panfish all their lives and have a huge passion for panfishing. When it comes to plastics these guys both know what works. And Mike will carry the plastics that he uses and knows that work at his store Hooked On Fishing Bait and Tackle in Rochester. And thats great for us fisherman.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 417

    Yes Bill you are right, Mike/HOF does carry what fishermen want and more important, what works. Mike and I have discussed this at great lenght. Both of us have experimented with a variety of techniques and equipment. We know what is successful and what doesn’t produce. Last October, Mike invited me to join him at the annual Sports Specialty Show near Milwawkee. This is where retailers go to purchase wholesale from all the big name companies to stock up on their inventories. There were hundreds of products to pick from. Mike was very meticulous in ordering. He knew what was wanted and what worked, thus ordered accordingly. Not to say he didn’t look at some new ideas and even ordered some different things. PeeWees is one thing neither of us had used or heard of, but we had a gut feeling, this could be a fish catcher by it profile and intended application, especially for stream trout. I wish those who have used them, would provide some feedback, good, bad or indifferent. Then Mike would know if this is something he wants to carry. His inventory is based upon feedback from his customers and his own experience. If he has it on his peg boards, then you know it catches fish.

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