Thank you sidecar fisherman!!

  • ron_weltzin
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 417

    Troy, for a long time now I have been reading your posts about Willow Creek. Interesting hearing what advise you had to offer. Really never gave Willow much thought. Remember when it first opened years ago and I went out there, not much to brag about. Well, times have really changed for the better. Today I went out there and I must admit, I was impressed with the numbers and quality. I would really like to fish out there with you sometime, so as to pick your mind even more. Thanks again Troy for the informative posts.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I first met Troy at Willow Creek while Mike Smith and I were leaving and he and his daughter were coming. Didn’t get to say much more than Hi. I finally got the chance to visit with him some at the Lake Zumbro boat ramp as we both took out at the same time. Troy is a very nice man who loves to fish and so are his daughter and brother. Was real nice meeting and talking with them. You two will have alot of fun fishing together. He is real down to earth. Nice guy to talk to.

    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Yep, Troy and his brother Chad are good guys! Both of them love to fish and I also hope to spend some fishing time with them.
    Ron, glad that you had some success at Willow.

    Good Fishing,

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    I’m gonna chime in here too and give Troy a . He is a heckuva nice guy. I meandered over to his red permanent on Willow Creek this winter to say hi and he welcomed me right in and made room for me to sit down. I got to meet Ashley as well and man she seems like she really LOVES to fish…that’s great! Sat and chatted for a bit then we went on to catch the nice panfish the reservoir has to offer. Hope I get the chance to fish with him again ‘cus he does have a good idea about whats going on under the surface. Thanks for all the reports Sidecar


    sidecar fisher
    Rochester, Mn.
    Posts: 245

    RHW, Glad you had success at willow creek today. Did you fish from the dock or out on open water? There are some very nice bluegill in that reservoir. I would be more than happy to fish with you out there sometime. Just let me know and I’ll bring the canoe along behind the rig. I run stabilizers (kind of like mini pontoons) on the canoe so it’s not so tipsy. Ashley always got scared that we were going to tip before I got them but these make it almost impossible to flip a canoe. Thanks for the kind words from all. I enjoy and look forward to fishing and sharing information with all of you also. Chad (my brother) always say’s that fishermen are the nicest people and I have to agree with him. This forum is a testament too that. Troy Pike

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 417

    Troy, I was new at Willow and not sure what to do. Yes, fished from the pier. Couple older guys came down and we talked about how to fish there. Frank, a neat older guy kind of tipped me off. I won’t give away secrets in respect for this gentleman who took time to teach me a thing or two. That is why I want to compare notes with you. Got me curious, really curious. There is a method, isn’t there…….

    sidecar fisher
    Rochester, Mn.
    Posts: 245

    RHW, Ashley and I are going out there on sunday around 1:00 pm. Maybe we can hookup then if you have time? Troy Pike

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