Housing development on willow creek…………..

  • sidecar fisher
    Rochester, Mn.
    Posts: 245

    I found a flyer on my harley on sunday at willow creek and threw it in my saddle bag, I found it today and read it. It was a flyer about a housing development (Scenic Oaks Lakeview). According to the flyer the development will be a 1/2 mile stretch of detached townhomes within 250 feet from the water on the south west side of the lake. It also has contact numbers and emails to local contact on the city council and info about a city council meeting held on monday april 18 at the government center at 7:00 pm. If anyone wants the contact info just let me know and I’ll post them. Just thought I’d see if anyone else has heard about this. I hope it dosn’t impact the lake much. Troy Pike

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    Troy: From what I’ve read in the paper it is a real controversy. When that pond was first formed it was a nice quiet place. Look at the way housing has sprouted everywhere near it. Hard to stop progress and the desire of people wanting to be near water.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Who around here likes being on or around water?????

    Ok…… maybe a few of us do

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Ok, maybe ALL of us do. It use to be a nice quiet out of the way place but Rochester keeps expanding. Maybe sidecarfisherman has the right idea-build a house ”on” the water called an ice fishing house for a winter home.

    Thanks, Bill

    sidecar fisher
    Rochester, Mn.
    Posts: 245

    At least that way I can have lakeside property part of the year

    Maybe sidecarfisherman has the right idea-build a house ”on” the water called an ice fishing house for a winter home.
    Thanks, Bill

    Posts: 439

    Just seen an article about this on KKTV tonight. Sounds like it will go through. How easy we forget. Remember the flood of 78? Wish I still had the article. Even with the flood control projects put in, everything west of Apacie Mall was going to be flood control. Barckley Square should’nt be there, and all the townhouses?? Besides that all the houses on the hillsides around Rochester. Blacktop,concrete, yards, and nothing to hold the water.I don’t remember the exact amout of rain we had in that 2 day total but if it happens again???

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