The following is from a note sent by Tom Eckdahl.
Here I am at the office and “enjoying” the heaviest snow fall in many years and making this request for the spring clean-up. After all Spring officially begins Sunday. On the 16th a thirteen-lined ground squirrel was seen feeding at the base of the bird feeder. The birds are all chirping their spring chorus even though the snow is piling up outside. I love it!
On Saturday April 9th the FOCW will be conducting their annual spring clean-up. Trash is collected from along lake shore, trails and edges. There are a few remaining dump sites in the greater park area that we would like to clean up. The trails can be walked and kick-off the small limbs and branches that have fallen throughout the winter.
If you would like to join other members of the FOCW at noon for a potluck meal, the clean-up will begin at 1:00 PM. In case the weather is similar to today, call the office for more details 287-2624. Plan on meeting at the park office/maintenance building.
If you cannot make it for the clean-up date. On Saturday April 23, FOCW will be having a work day starting at 10:00 AM. FOCW will be installing several benches in the campground for outdoor classroom. Pack a picnic lunch and enjoy working along side some of the Kisrow family members that grew up in the area.
Tom Eckdahl