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This Is Unreal
March 19, 2005 at 12:49 pm #350849
Hey Bill, I know the feeling. Was just to where I could get my boat out and now all this so have another week again to wait.
Getting cabin fever so bad
I know when I do get out there the fish are not going to wait for me to hook them They are going to be jumping in my boatMarch 19, 2005 at 1:18 pm #350853Yep, what fun! 20 inches of snow, the heaviest 24 hour snowfall ever recorded for Rochester. I went through some big piles of snow getting to the shop early this morning, thinking I must be crazy because no one will be going fishing. Wrong! Already had a couple guys in to buy bait and other stuff.
Come on spring!
Good Fishing,
MikeMarch 19, 2005 at 7:56 pm #350918Quote:
I gotta go one up on ya Bill! I just sunk 1,500$ in upgrades on my C-liner…took the winter cover off…gassed it up(50$!!!)Then we get this white cr@p!!!
I’m supposed to drive 300 miles to Evert’s Thursday to fish open water where the snow is gone?
Tommy, this amount of snow was suppose to be in a path going through Red Wing not here. I think my youngest son Nate, who moved to Red Wing in Dec, decided to share with his Dad. Thanks Son.
We are suppose to have 40s next week I heard from my oldest daughter so hopefully it will be gone.
Come on spring.
Thanks, Billps. What new toys did yopu buy for your boat?
March 20, 2005 at 2:39 am #350977Actually Gianni, the first day of spring is Sunday. Check this website for how the date changed.
March 20, 2005 at 6:29 am #350996Whoooppie…..Byron got the most snow.
22.3 inches. I’m sure glad my buddy with a plow truck came by and did my driveway for me.
My snow blower would have had a good fight with that heavy, wet snow today.
Any one go fishing in the area today?
Troy Pike
March 20, 2005 at 8:35 am #351000You guys are really bumming me out.
I’m a bright shade of red from laying on a beach all day. I look and am starting to feel like this guy.
Can someone please drop me a line when the snow is gone?
March 20, 2005 at 5:34 pm #351028My son-in-law came over and blew my part of my driveway and sidewalk out today. Much appreciated. Boats are still buried in but at least I can get the vehicles out.
I would think that with that much heavy snow on the ice that it would push it down into the water more which would help to melt it. And the sunshine and warmer temps should help too. Come on spring!
Hey Troy, is that your jon boat in the pic or your neighbors?
Thanks, Bill
March 20, 2005 at 7:39 pm #351036Thats our jon boat. Its an oldie but a goodie.
Troy Pike
Hey Troy, is that your jon boat in the pic or your neighbors?
Thanks, Bill
March 28, 2005 at 7:53 pm #352920what in the world are you guys talking about snow for its 55 degrees and sunny and the fish are biting.
ok maybe a week later but still get those dang pics out of here.
walleyes here I comeMarch 28, 2005 at 9:06 pm #352937Yep, it’s officially spring. I put away the remaining ice fishing stuff except for the panfish lures.
No more snow and 60+ degrees! Bring it on!!!
Good Fishing,
MikeMarch 29, 2005 at 1:45 am #353007I did the same thing last weekend also mike.
I put the fishtrap in the basement with all my other ice fishing gear.
I’m ready for open water!!!!
Troy Pike
March 29, 2005 at 3:23 am #353036The ice breaker has gone through Lake Pepin, James, Dusty and Jarrad have reports of great lookin females [walleyes], the river is acting like a river [fish bite better on rising water than they do on falling water], its fanastic weather outside and its finally SPRING!!! Been getting more rods ready for fishing tonight, the Lund will be back on the water this weekend, and I’m pumped.
Thanks, Bill
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