This weather is unreal. A couple days ago they were saying 44 degrees for Saturday so I charged up the boat batteries figuring I would get some open water fishing in one day and get some hours on my jon boat motor the next day. Then wake up Friday am to this darn snow. And more snow and more snow as the day went on. 20” of snow they said we were to get and we sure got. Just looked out the door and my little Geo car has snow half way up the sides of it. Boats are covered with snow 2 ft on top. Man, did I ever jinx us by getting the boats ready for the weekend. Don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Winter stinks.
What am I doing up so late you say? Fell asleep in the chair watching a fishing tape. Only done that twice this week. lol. Woke up and checked the channels for weather and the Babe Winkleman show was on so watched and ate my my heart out as they were spring crappie fishing. And I mean big crappies.
It was warm and sunny and the crappies were big and oh, I need a spring crappie fix right next to a spring walleye fix and a good o’l fashion boat ride in open water ”without” all this darn white stuff. For all who don’t like snow and want to get out and fish I do have good news though. By next weekend this snow will be all gone and it will be nice out and the fish will be biting like never before. How do I know this? Its because four of my grandkids are watching me next weekend thats how I know.
Must be past my bedtime so I’m going to hit the hay and dream of all those spring crappies and fat walleyes. See ya on the water[someday] lol. Good night or Good Morning whatever it is at 3:37 am.
Thanks, Bill
March 19, 2005 at 9:25 am