He did it again!!

  • ron_weltzin
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 417

    Mike Fischer from HOF just completed two custom made rods for me and they are masterpieces. Both of course are panfish outfits. The first one, an eight foot 3 weight two piece closed faced spinning bait casting type rod. The handle is that of the old pistol grip, however, this one was hand craved out of some very beautiful wood. The wrap is a piece of art. Will put a Diawa Gold Cast closed faced spinning reel on in, spooled with 4 pound test. Very attractive combination to say the least.
    The second rod is also a 3 weight, two piece, however this is nine foot long. Wooden handle of course and Mike put a gold coin in the butt end of the handle. Elected to go with a conservative wrap on this rod, so I wouldn’t be afraid to use it, for fear of breaking it. Yet, still an sharp looking outfit. Putting an Okuma Metaloid 15 on it also spooled with four pound test. Mike thank you again for the beautiful works of art. Now I am ready, comeon open water and warmer days.

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    Ron, You got all the toys. Man, The fish don’t stand a chance. And with open water just around the corner, I’b better get out on the ice one more time Before you light it up this spring. LOL Congrats on the new rods, Doug

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    Congrats Ron I’m waiting to get one of his masterpieces as well. Mike said he’s gonna pick out the perfect blank for a bucktail rod next time they go for blanks. I’ve got a new 6500C4 all spooled up and waiting for something to sit on so I better go make sure he didn’t forget Can’t wait to see it or better yet use it

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