I work with a gentleman, Tim Heroff and he just happens to be a Boy Scout master. He had heard thru the grape vine that I was an advid ice fisherman. Tim invited me to address his group and introduce them to ice fishing. Couple weeks ago, I addressed them at their school. Showed and let them handle some of the equipment. Tim also was interested in taking the boys out onto the ice and asked if I could accomodate by leading them out. Of course I jumped at the chance to get others interested in ice fishing.
Well, yesterday, we met at Game Haven to give it a try.
Mike/HOF, MrMusky/Doug Mercer and his future son in law, Jason I believe his name was, agreed to help. We met at 1 PM and there were about 15 Scouts. We provided the bait and after I had first talked to them, they bought some of their own equipment. The weather was beautiful. Let some of the older boys start and run the gas auger and drill some holes. They thought that was cool. The good lord smiled down at us yesterday. Every kid caught between 4 and 6 fish. It was worthy every minute to see the looks on their faces and the whoops and hollars when they would hook up. That is what is all about. Of course we had four Vex’s along and they took to those real fast. Couple kids compared it to a video game on ice. The fish cooperated pefectly and demonstrated on the Vex just how is it done. Peeling off, coming up red hot, and then smack. All said it was a fantastic day and you tell in their voices and the looks on their faces, yes they did indeed have a good time.
Mike, Doug, Jason and I each split the group up into smaller groups and provided some one on one attention.
Guys I want to thank you for helping out. Now you three are expected go out and sell some Boy Scout cookies.
March 7, 2005 at 3:55 pm