crappies through the ice

  • hof
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Went to the backwaters today near Wabasha. There is a lot of snow on the ice and the fishing was slower than the previous few times. There were still some very nice crappies that you could get, but the key was a slow presentation and watch for the lightest bites. Most of the nice fish (up to 14 inches) were between 4-6 feet under the ice. Green, orange, or purple seemed to produce the most bites. As the snow begins to melt and the fresh water gets into the system, the fish will go on a more aggressive bite. Don’t give up on the ice fishing yet. Some of the best action of the year should be just around the corner!

    Good Fishing,

    Posts: 12

    One of my buddies went down to West Newton yesterday. He said it was slow. A couple guys were pulling up bluegills but nothing special. The magic color there was purple.

    Posts: 443

    Hi Mike! JJ here. It would be good for fisherman in the backwaters to know that fishing for sunnies has changed as in some areas the o2 level is such that the area below 12 inches of the bottom is devoid of 02 in some areas. Trust me as I talked to Dale(DBR) agent as he was taking samples of temps and 02. Just a hint! Wow! Why did I post this? You do a great job Mike. I just do not live near your area to get into the bait shop as often as I would like.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Hey JJ,

    Hopefully we will get some warm enough temps in the next week to melt some of the snow and get the O2 levels up!

    Good Fishing,

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