Ice Fishing Jigs-A Secret Or A Reality?

  • bill_cadwell
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Ice fishing jigs are bought by the thousands every year by ice fisherman for a good reason. They are smaller in size and weight than other jigs. Their light weight and size seem to appeal to crappies and bluegills and other panfish with a waxie or spike on them as the glide and shake and rock back and forth and jump up and down in the water in front of the fish they seek. And they get bit too. And they continue to catch fish all winter long and then something happens. The days start to get alitle longer and the sun stays in the sky longer and even the temps start to get warmer and the ice starts melting. When the end of the ice season fades fisherman everywhere start putting their ice fishing equipement including those ice fishing jigs away til another season. There is a secret which is really a reality that those same crappies and bluegills and other panfish that you chased after all winter long on those small ice fishing jigs will still bite as well and even better on those same little ice fishing jigs all spring and summer long too. Think about it for a minute. Do their mouths get bigger in warmer seasons? Do they grow to be twice their size come summer? No they don’t. The secret that some ice fishermen have figured out is that its a reality that those same fish like the same food [bait] all year long that you caught them on in the winter time. And that those tiny little jigs work all year long too. And that means that this year instead of putting those little jigs away its really time to stock up on those great fish catching jigs before most Bait and Tackle store owners put them away. Which means this is a great time to stop out and see Mike at Hooked On Fishing and stock up for the spring summer and fall thats coming our way soon. And another secret thats really a reality is that some panfisherman are catching their fish all year long jigging their favorite little ice fishing jigs on shorter rods that most only use for ice fishing. And I hear Mike has lots of those rods in stock too. You see, Mike is a panfisherman by heart, and he knows what catches his favorite fish.
    Thanks, Bill

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Man talk about giving secrets away Rembrants are more active in late season than even through the ice. Lil Cecils, Moon Glow Jigs. Dear God make me stop. My ice fishing jigs go from the fanny pack to my tacle box

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Man talk about giving secrets away! And you even start naming ice fishing jigs by brands! I’m not the only one giving secrets away!
    Thanks, Bill

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    When all else fails in the dead of fishing – verticle jigging over the side of a boat with light tackle rocks

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 417

    Well the cat is out of the bag now. Everything Bill said is true in ever detail. Successful bluegill fishermen have know this for a long time. Look at the size of the mouth on a BIG bluegill. You can not get your little finger down it. Years ago this was a lesson a couple of resort owners on French and Roberds taught me. Their customer would come in grumbling that they couldn’t or didn’t catch any sunfish. When these resort owners tried to tell them to down size and yes, even use ice fishing jigs, lot of those customers still didn’t get it. The smart ones listened and learned. Like Bret said, when ice fishing is over, I just transfer my jigs to my tackle box.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Stopped out to HOF yesterday and noticed, ok more than noticed and bought a couple, that Mike has, just sitting there in white ice fishin pails, some really nice ice fishing rods for sale CHEAP! Theres a bunch of them for only 5.00 each and a bunch of the slightly higher price rods for sale at ”buy one and get one free.” I walked out of there with two nice rods for 9.99 only. What a DEAL! You will also find ALOT of other great deals too. No wonder why I say HOF is my favorite fishin store.
    Thanks, Bill

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