Fosters on Sat Morning

  • stevet
    Posts: 5

    I was out on fosters this morning from about 7-11. Great morning to be out. Iced half dozed small Crappies, a couple of not too bad sunnies and 4 nice trout. 3 browns in the 16in range and 1 big fat rainbow at just a hair shy of 21. It was a NICE fish so I figured I’d better put the tape to that one. I was in 18 ft of water and all but the big Rainbow and one dink crappie came on waxies. Two of the trout I caught about 3 ft under the ice. I could see them swim in and so I put one line right under the ice and had two browns hit it there. Waxie on a pink head/white tali shrimpo. The ohter brown and the boss Rainbow I caught @ about 10ft. Rainbow hit a green w/white Ice Ant tipped with crappie minnow. Marked fish all morning – mostly in the 10-12 ft depth range. A few off the bottom.

    All the fish went back in (I could have had a heck of a trout supper!)…man, I GOTTA get a digital camera so I can share some pics!

    Hoping to try Zumbro in the morn – see if I can find some decent crappies for a super bowl snack!

    Mazeppa, Minnesota
    Posts: 116

    Thanks for the post stevet
    Sounded like a great time
    Welcome to IDA!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Great report! Welcome to the forum, hope to hear more.

    Good Fishing,

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Welcome Stevet. Great to have you with us. Please feel free to share and post all you want. Thanks for the report. Sounds like you had a great day on the water [ice].
    Thanks, Bill

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