Mike/HOF out fishes me AGAIN!!

  • ron_weltzin
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 417

    Yep, for the third consecutive time, Mike out fished me again, both with numbers and size. I bow to the master. We did the backwaters again today and met with some nice success. Mike was hooking em left and right and I would occasionally snag one by mistake. As I sat on my pail sulking, pouting and feeling sorry for myself, I finally said, “wait just a minute”. What is this guy doing that I am not. I mean he is sitting only a few feet away and we are both using the exact same jig tipped with a spike. Oh yeah, spikes out producted waxies today.
    In about 3 1/2 feet of water and getting bumps up high on the drop. I walked over and watched Mike, looking for a clue. Then I realized something. Mike jigs aggressively and I conservatively. He wasn’t jigging wildly or crazy, but yet he had a consistent subtle none stop, slow and small movement with a rhythm, while lowering his presentation. Me on the other hand, I would give it a small bump, lower it and wait to the count of five, then repeat it all over again. Oh I got hits, but nothing like Mike. He is the maestro on ice with a jigging

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Maybe you need to borrow Troys [sidecarfisherman] pet muskrat as I hear hes real good at scaring fish away and put him in Mikes fishing hole when hes not looking. That will slow his catching down.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 417

    OK Troy, I am getting desperate here pal. How much to rent or lease your little rascal?

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    If you are real nice to Troy he might even give him to you. Maybe throw in some bait so Troy has some as he will be able to catch fish now since the little guy will be in Mikes fishing hole.

    Thanks, Bill

    Hi Mike.

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