Yep, for the third consecutive time, Mike out fished me again, both with numbers and size. I bow to the master.
We did the backwaters again today and met with some nice success. Mike was hooking em left and right and I would occasionally snag one by mistake.
As I sat on my pail sulking, pouting and feeling sorry for myself, I finally said, “wait just a minute”. What is this guy doing that I am not. I mean he is sitting only a few feet away and we are both using the exact same jig tipped with a spike. Oh yeah, spikes out producted waxies today.
In about 3 1/2 feet of water and getting bumps up high on the drop. I walked over and watched Mike, looking for a clue. Then I realized something. Mike jigs aggressively and I conservatively. He wasn’t jigging wildly or crazy, but yet he had a consistent subtle none stop, slow and small movement with a rhythm, while lowering his presentation. Me on the other hand, I would give it a small bump, lower it and wait to the count of five, then repeat it all over again. Oh I got hits, but nothing like Mike. He is the maestro on ice with a jigging
January 26, 2005 at 1:45 am