Manor pits

  • lars
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 308

    Went out for the night bite at the manor pits sun. night and caught about 50 sunnies in just a couple of hours. Most of the time it was how fast you could get your jig back in the hole before another strike, it was that fast at times. Caught a couple of small bass and still this year I have yet to have caught a crappie out there. Where are they?? Has anyone even caught one or more yet?? We had four lines down, two minners and two waxies. The sunnies preferred anything with a waxie and the occasional small, small minnow. So I figured we had the meals presented in a fine manner. Didn’t talk to anyone else out there but someone did have they’re pick-up out driving on the ice, wonder if that guy knows that there are springs out there.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    I haven’t been out there this winter yet, but it sounds like you are having fun. There are crappie in there and I have caught them. I think they are usually above the sunfish and suspended. Do you use any electronics when fishing there?

    Good Fishing,

    Posts: 5

    What pit where you on? I guess I really don’t know much about the pits but I have a friend who lives on the one that is farthest to the west. Do people fish that one?

    If so, any tips on where on the west pit to try?

    My friend does not fish so wasn’t any help but did say I was welcome to park there and access through the yard.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    Hmm maybe ive never called it hte manor pits but where is this located in rochester. im sure ive fished it just never heard it called the manor pits before

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    The pits are out by Country Club Manor. If you take 2nd. St. SW going west about a mile past St. Marys Hospital you will see them on your right side. The Rochester Golf and Country Club is on your left side.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    ooooo i gotcha now. thanks for the info.

    Posts: 111

    You’re actually allowed to fish these ponds?

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