Willow Creek was realy slow this weekend. I fished both days.
Only caught 4 on sat. and 3 on sunday. Sure was a beautiful sunset today!!!! Troy Pike
January 24, 2005 at 2:20 am
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Minnesota Lakes & Rivers » Regional Forum – Rochester MN » Willow Creek this weekend….
Wow, great sunset! Going fishing isn’t just about catching fish. The more we appreciate other things, like sunsets, the more enjoyable it is!
Good Fishing,
Some people may consider this strange but I don’t have to be catching alot of fish to enjoy fishing. I love being on the water. Sure I like catching fish but like Mike said and Troy just showed in the pic there are other great things to enjoy on the water too.
Thanks, Bill
Yep me and ashley had a great time watching the sunset on sunday. We didn’t catch many fish but the kid said she could spend all day out there and have fun, I never thought I’d hear that from her!!
Fred (the muskrat) has taken residence under my ice house. He keeps the hole open but I am wondering if he scares the fish away? I don’t think they eat fish do they? Any idea’s? He came in and out all weekend splashing when he did. Troy Pike
I think the muskrat could scare away fish. Sure is nice that your daughter is enjoying the fishing!
Good Fishing,
I hate to make fred move on but I thought he was scaring the fish away too. We plan on moving the shack this week and hopfuly he dosn’t follow. I was thinking about putting a small bucket upside down half way over his hole so his home is still intact. He sure was bringing in alot of vegation this weekend. Could be a sign for a long cold winter.
Ashley loved watching him coming in and out this weekend, it was entertaining for me too. Troy Pike
Sounds to me like you have a mascot. A new fishin buddy?
Whatever is going on it sure seems like Fred likes you.
Thanks, Bill
last week thursday-sunday i fished willow creek almost everyday and everyday, cept sunday, i got over 20-30 fish, and some decent size ones. got 1 bass and lost one at the hole. was in about 10ft of water using a small jig and a waxie. You gotta use the HOF bait to catch fish there. thats my secret. I also purchased my jig that i used all week there.
Do you have a permanent ice shack out there?
Yes I have the red permanent out there. I’m thinking that the muskrat is scaring the fish. Troy Pike
i see, ive been fishin bout 50-60 yards from the dock been catching a lot of nice sunnies. i fished around where you are set up and really didnt get much, a few missed fish but thats about it
Thanks for the report Hooknfinger. Were going to move it and see what happens. Troy Pike
Being that i have a lot of time before i work in the day i venture out to willow creek a lot to fish for a few house so i dont have to walk far and i know i can catch fish. Went out today and i could barely get my line in the water with out getting nibbles. must be very small fish or i can catch em. i got bout dozen sunnies all small with 1 eater, and 1 12 inch bass. moved all around still havein the best luck in 10-6 feet of water
Me and ashley went too willow creek today and caught 10 nice sunny’s. She’s a real trooper.
I have the shack out there and she insisted on fishing outside with the snow falling.
The fish were biting on orange and white glow jigs. Troy Pike
This past week-end, my wife (Annie), my son (Levi), his friend (TJ), and I went to Willow Creek. We are hard-core so we sat in the rain fishing! I finally outfished my wife (first time this ice fishing season)! Levi and TJ had a blast listening to a portable radio and rocking and fishing! We caught a pretty good amount of slab bluegills, releasing most, but bringing home enough for TJ’s family to have a nice little meal. We finally got soaked all the way through our clothes and decided it was time to hang it up. The fish were biting just enough to keep us long after we should’ve left to get dried out! A great time was had by all!
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