Nelson and west newton

  • piker007
    Posts: 12

    Went out to nelson dike road saturday. Bite was slow and only pulling up small ones. Went to West Newton on sunday. Bite was alittle better there. Caught some blue gills and crappies only a couple keepers though. Did have alot of bites but missed alot too. Others around us were pulling up alot of keeper bluegills and crappies.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Hey piker007,

    Thanks for the report!

    Good Fishing,

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks for the report. I saw this thread listed on the left side there and I thought for sure it was Mike/HOF sneaking out again just like I said he would. Ice must of kept him at the store or else he did sneak out and won’t admit it. Thanks again for the report pikerOO7.
    Thanks, Bill

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