willow creek report

  • sidecar fisher
    Rochester, Mn.
    Posts: 245

    We fished at willow creek today (sunday afternoon). Caught about 25 sunny’s and took about 17 nice ones home for supper for the family. Had something happen kind of odd there today. Last week I talked to a guy who said he lost a rod thru the ice and thought it was taken by a muskrat that had been coming up. Today we no more than got there and sure enough up came a muskrat, scared the bejesus out of us both. He kept coming back (I think for air or to steal our fish mabe) over and over about 8 times and got kicked or bopped on the head with our rods every time. It was kinka funny. Troy Pike

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Don’t you need a special license to catch them Troy? lol. Thanks for the report. Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    That reminds me of a time ice fishing several years ago at Pritcherds near Kellogg. I was in my small portable and all of a sudden big bubbles came up through the hole. They were followed by a muskrat. He really scared me! I bopped him on the nose with my jig pole and away he went. I had to get out of the shack for a little bit just to cool down!

    Good Fishing,

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Sure do miss Pritcherds. It use to be a nice shallow [which means safer] place to take Nate years ago for panfish. Now its pretty silted in I hear. Going to have to get my hind end in gear and learn some good backwater spots so I can take Nate ice fishing again. Kind of like the good o’l days when he had to go with me. Nows hes older and usually gets to any good fishing spot before I get there. lol. Panfishing, its a great way to get a kid hooked on fishing. And then when you get him hooked on walleyes then you are really in for trouble as he will kick your every time. Fishing-gotta love it!!! Take the time to share your love of fishing with your kids and you will never regret it. Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 417

    So Mike, when you exited the shack, did you do so without unzipping the door? Yeah that would probably startle a guy. Close quarters with both of you scrambling to get away from each other.

    sidecar fisher
    Rochester, Mn.
    Posts: 245

    I’ll be putting the permanent ice house out on willow creek this friday, and I’ll be fishing there all weekend if possible. Look for the big red box. Stop in and say hi if you get a chance. Troy Pike

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    By the looks of the ice house in your pic spot I’d say it looks more like a really nice house to me. I think one could say ”catchin fish in style.”
    Thanks, Bill

    sidecar fisher
    Rochester, Mn.
    Posts: 245

    Kind of a late post, but I took my 10 year old daughter, Ashley, out on willow creek for her first ice fishing adventure over christmas vacation. She was afraid of the ice at first but quickly understood that ice is like land in the winter but to respect it much more and know what’s going on around you at all times. I didn’t have a shelter with me that day and told her we would be fishing from a hole and thats it. I was really proud of that kid. We bundled up and used a buddy heater for heat that kept blowing out but we kept going. I explained to her how the vexlair worked at marking fish and how we use a power auger to get to the fish. Next thing I know she’s telling me she thought she seen fish in the hole I drilled. I have to say the kid out fished me that day and I loved it. Troy Pike http://img112.exs.cx/img112/5142/113136716dw.jpg

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks for sharing Troy. Kicked your hey-way to go Ashley!!! Gotta love it when kids do that. It really helps them to love the sport.

    Thanks, Bill

    sidecar fisher
    Rochester, Mn.
    Posts: 245

    A picture of the musk rat. Troy Pike

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    Nice pics, glad to hear you got Ashley into ice fishing, can’t beat kids fishing.


    sidecar fisher
    Rochester, Mn.
    Posts: 245

    We put the permanent shack on willow creek to day without any problems. I fished for about 2 hours and caught about 5 fish. I have heard that there are crappies in there but have never caught one in 2 years until today. It was a nice fish about 7 inches. It was released. I plan on fishing there all weekend if possible. Troy Pike

    Fountain City, WI
    Posts: 119

    Hi Sidecar Fisherman, I was out there yesterday about 4:30 I guess I arrived stayed a couple hours after dark and the bluegills were pretty willing to bite just about anything I put in the hole, and they seem to be in all different depths of the water column. I was fishing in about 15ft of water at the time.

    sidecar fisher
    Rochester, Mn.
    Posts: 245

    I fished all weekend at willow creek. Didn’t have much luck on saterday. I met catch and release on saterday though. Thanks for stopping by!!! Sunday we had much better luck. Catching them at about 7 feet. Came home with about 18 nice sunny’s. Mike from HOF and Bill were fishing there when I got there. Nice to finaly meet you bill!!! Troy Pike

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Nice to met you finally Troy. Thanks for the report. Sorry we didn’t stay long after you and your daughter got there. Mike wanted to hit Foster Arends as the bite had been hot the last couple days. It really died off today we found out.
    Thanks, Bill

    Stoddard WI
    Posts: 73

    Please practice catch and release, some of the sunfish average 1/2lb or larger. to take 18 for a meal is a vey large meal . Ilove akeing lots of kids also to this pond .Its a real treat to have such a nice pond for local kids to fish at. Why are there never game wardens out there they need to watch it closer so peole dont take to many fish out of there Mabe the should set new limts of fish caught out there, And also why are peopole holes parking in the handicaped parking areas next time i will call the sherrif deputy. You have all been warned!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Hey Wall Climber,

    I don’t think anyone should be judging another person because they kept 18 bluegills. The limit is 20 and it is up to the DNR to make adjustments. There are lots of people that keep fish sometimes and release them other times.
    I’m happy that there is a lake close to Rochester that is fun to fish at and we are able to catch some decent bluegills, but at certain times the catching is as good or better at other lakes around town as well.
    As far as the people parking in handicapped areas – well, that is against the law – period. I suppose the chances of someone needing a handicap parking spot this time of the year is slim, but it is still not legal to park in them. If you feel that you need to call the authorities, that is your right.
    Since you seem to care about this lake so much, how about using your concern to make sure the litter gets picked up? That is something we should all be concerned about.

    Good Fishing,

    sidecar fisher
    Rochester, Mn.
    Posts: 245

    Wall climber, There were 2 of us fishing at the lake that day so we could have LEGALY taken home 40 but didn’t. I release many more fish that I keep from that or any lake we fish at. As for parking in the handicap area I agree, don’t do it. Troy Pike

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    Post deleted by CatchnRelease

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    Troy: Saw this on the web and wonder if you have had any issues opening your holes yet? web page

    Posts: 80


    Annie my son and myself got in the late bight on Willow. It took us an hour too find them, my son found a nice spot in 12 feet of water. Pulled in about 35 We only kept 12 to eat. they sure are some nice fish in there.We used small micro minnow and a small orange glow i picked up in red lake last year. Levi used a yllow micro we all used waxes, realy big ones. Hopeing to get to the river during the week. well all for now. Oh ya if by chance the fowl mouth ed guys that were out to the willow creak today grow up im sure you wouldnt talk that way around your wife or kids. When fishing Please dont be so rude or fowl mouthed !!!!!!!!

    So 12 is ok to keep then????????????

    sidecar fisher
    Rochester, Mn.
    Posts: 245

    Thanks, Thats a great idea but OUCH!!!!!! those baby’s are spendy!!!! 64.95 to 199.95 Troy Pike

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