No. I don’t think we lost any ice. Most of the snow on top of the ice melted and the ice is now very slick. I was out yesterday and the ice was a solid 12 inches.
Troy, what little melt we had yesterday will be more then made up today with temps in the 20’s and strong winds. If you venture out, take it from me from yesterdays slipping and sliding wear your cleats!!!!!!!
Yeah I went out today around here and its ok. I recomend ice kleets if you have them. The layer of water on the ice froze and when you walk on it, it may break, but dont worry, there is still the 12 inches underneath.
Right now in Rochester we are having what you would call a ice storm. It is raining ice. As soon as it hits the ground, street, car etc. it is ice on it. Very slippery. Please be carefull if you go out as its all ice on everything so additional ice on the lakes is happening. Thanks, Bill