Recommended Guide for Lake Zumbro

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Gianni and I met up with our Guide (Mr. Jake) yesterday morning at 9 am to fish the infamous Lake Zumbro.

    Once we packed up our equipment and arrived at Jakes SUPER seceret spot…Jake was struggling to keep the first sunnie from taking out all of his line…(I may have streached the truth here a bit)…but within 10 minutes the guide had his first fish on the ice…PS Gianni…we didn’t pay Jake the money for the first fish, I’m going to the bank today for the loan…just thought I would remind you….

    We were using wax worms and Euro larva. (Bill, you were right…I found Jake picking out all the green Euro Larva like a kid picking out only the green m&m’s) Since Gianni spanked us both in number of fish caught, I would have to say that waxies with a “pink” tear drop did the best. (I personally would never own a “pink” tear drop….)

    I don’t think we could say the bite was “hot” or “fast action”, but it seemed to be fairly steady with good size. The biggest was 9 inches and the smallest was just a fin under 8. Great eaters. Since these fish were coming out of 30 feet of water and I haven’t had sunnies since spring… all the fish were kept.

    We ended up the day with 12 (I think) sunnies and a crappie. Jake did manage to show us how to fish for perch when he landed (with out any help I might add) the largest and only perch of the day.

    At the end of the day…we all caught fish with very good size. Met an IDA member for the first time but because of this site… it seemed like it was a meeting of two old friends. Near as I could tell, Jake only wanted to choke me once during the day.

    Thanks again Jake and Gianni!

    See you guys at the GTG in PDC!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    WOW!!! Seems like Jake has been really keeping a secret from everyone. That secret being that he ”really loves ice fishing.” And has been putting in alot of hours doing it [ice fishin] it seems. What do you have to say for yourself now that your secret is out now Jake? BUSTED!!! So the fishin machine from Iowa holds the title for most fish huh?!!!! Way to go!!! Brian, if a pink jig catches the most fish then its ”OK” to own ”ALOT” of pink jigs. And I see Jake still loves ”green” bait. I suppose Jake used a green jig too? Were the fish on the bottom as usual? Thanks for the report Bud. You guys had a really good time and put fish in the bucket to eat too. And Jake, I’m proud of you Bud. And ”Thanks” for showing my two friends a good time.
    Thanks, Bill

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Thanks a lot Brian…….Who knows how many crazy wackos are gonna call me up (or pm me ) beggin for my services now .

    But I don’t think I can be classified as an official “Guide” quite yet. Actually, I believe it was more like……”Hey, there’s a bunch of shacks…..let’s fish there”

    But I did enjoy myself. The fish were nice, but not all that plentifull. And if it wasn’t for all those fancy toys you brought along, we probably wouldn’t have gotten the ones we did

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Who knows how many crazy wackos are gonna call me up (or pm me ) beggin for my services now

    All you need now are cards. I’m sure Mike will let you put up signs…but with your advertising on IDA…I think you will do well.

    Speaking of wackos…I forgot to give you my 24″x 48″ ’04 Jolly Ann Marine poster…I had one autographed just for you (yes we are closing them out….You might not want to have it up at college thought….give folks the wrong idea…

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