Foster Arends

  • sgt._rock
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    Drove by about 1:00pm today and saw a couple clams on the far side and one lonely guy on a bucket. Too cold to go check thickness from the nice warm van.. With the next couple days cold spell we should be in good shape on the local reservoirs.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    I talked to several people that were out today – some scouting like you and several fishing. It sounds like the local places all have 2-4 inches of good solid ice. A few reports of some decent fish being caught as well!
    It also sounds like almost all the backwater areas on the MS. have fairly good ice.
    As always, play it safe and be careful!

    Good Fishing,

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    2-4 inches of solid Ice?

    Sounds like a good time to work on my…..

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    My oldest grandaughter and I went to Cabelas from Northfield as I wanted to get a pair of guide-ons for my jon boat trailer and the Cannon River was froze over in Northfield and also frozen where you go over it at Fairbault. But coming back from Cabelas there was an open area from the bridge in the middle about 20 ft. wide and 40 feet long which reminded me that ice can be unsure and especially where there is any current or springs. So please play it safe as no ice is guarenteed good ice. With the cold temps we will see for the next few days there should be some good ice being made. What really hurts good ice being made is when you get a couple inches of ice and then get some snow. The snow acts as a insulation that keeps the ice warm which makes it harder for the ice to become thicker. So hopefully we won’t get any snow and with the colder temps we will get some good solid ice. Well I got my guide-ons, took forever as they were packed with people and lines at every cash register, which makes you appreciate shopping at HOF in Rochester where theres great fishin goodies and always fishin talkin and no hassle buying what you need.

    Thanks, Bill

    ps. We had our Christmas gathering today at one of my daughters house and I got a gift certificate from each of them for HOF. Smart girls if you ask me!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I don’t know the thickness yet there has been people fishing both the south end and the north end of the lake. Please becareful as there are springs in this lake. The people I have seen out there ice fishing have been fish fairly close to shore. Stay away from the beach area as there is a big spring there which keeps the ice very thin in that area.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    I am hearing 4-6 inches of ice there. The springs by the beach and on the north shore need to be avoided.
    I have also heard that quite a few trout are being caught! Seems minnows are a good choice for bait right now.

    Good Fishing,

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Mike, can you give the approx. locations of the springs on the northside? I’m going to guess the NW corner as I know northerns like that area. Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    There is usually a little open water where they are, but there are some right near the NE corner and middle north shore. I don’t remember any in the NW corner, but that is certainly possible.

    Good Fishing,

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