HOF put together another long panfish ice fishing rod for me. Graphite ultra lite, 3 1/2 feet long with a Tennessee handle.
This time I decided to go with a plain cork handle. No need for those fancy reel seats because everybody knows, good ice fishermen tape their reels on their ice rods.
It has to be black electrician tape or it don’t count.
Am really very satisfied with the longer lenght, so nice not having to bend over and can stand straight up comfortably.
HOF has put together a few more of these longer ice rods. Stop out, pick one up and handle it. No need for a sales pitch once there, cause they sell themselves.
Bill when I heard you were going to order a graphite, well you know how it goes, I just had to have one too.
December 17, 2004 at 8:40 pm