High winds, I hate em, I hate em. They have spoiled a lot of planned fishing trips and today was no exception. Mike/HOF and I had planned on doing some dock fishing today, but cancelled because we heard there was going to be a breeze. A breeze, if we had gone, with two pound test line and panfish jigs, we would have been fishing horizontally, never touching the water.
It was so windy today, airplanes and birds were flying backwards.
Four different weather fronts moved through the area in 30 minutes.
I drove to Winona today and never had to start the car, just put it in neutral and coast.
I went out and filled my bird feeders only to see them blow over. I put out a winter decoration that is a snowman on the front porch, only to have it blow over and broke one of it’s arms. Set the garbage on the curb for Monday pickup only to see it sail two houses down, then go out pick up the mess and bring it back home.
Looking out the picture window I half way expect to see my shingles take off flying. Oh, did I tell you I hate wind.
December 12, 2004 at 10:54 pm