Does anybody no if they close the access at sandy point durning the winter? I thought I saw a gate across the entrance at one point when I drove by this summer
I grew up out there and I think they probably do lock it during the winter months. If your snowmobiling you can drive right around it. Is there any other reason you would need to get down there?
Jake, Sandy Points boat ramp has a problem called ”lack of water.” Use to put in there many years ago but now it is so darn silted in its hard to get a boat put in and taken out there. I checked out both Sandy Point and Ponderosas boat ramp on my vehicle speedometer a few years back and they both are only 12.5 miles from my house. Just wish the DNR would dig out the ramp at Ponderosa to make it deeper there. But it still works pretty good there for launhing. Do you have fishing on your mind? I know I do and since I do Mother Nature is making it very windy today. Think maybe she is mad at me for telling her she did it backwards-snow before good solid ice. In fact it sounds like its super windy out there. One of these days a few months down the road it will be spring and me and Rover Jon [my Lowe jon boat] will be spending alot of time down there chasing crappies. Can’t wait. Thanks, Bill
well…..just incase anyone else was wondering, I went out and checked this weekend and there is a gate across the access, but it is not closed yet. But Bill is right, there definatly is a lack of water……there’s no way you would be gettin a boat in there unless you’re REEEEAAAAAAALY ambishous