Some lucky devil…..

  • UncleGrump
    Dodge County MN
    Posts: 221

    is going to be a very happy camper (ok – ice fisherman) after Santa Claus comes this year.

    Last night I was looking at the ice fishing toys – err – I mean – absolutely essential equipment in a local sporting goods emporium. I looked up, and happened to see
    “Sue” standing there, also looking at the essential gear.

    “Sue” is pretty young bride in her mid 20’s, who works on the floor of the building I work in. We said hello, and then she asked me if I ice fish. When I said yes, she started to ask my opinion of a couple of the choice’s she had made for her husband. One choice was very good, and in the 2nd instance, I suggested item B instead of A, and explained why. “Sue” then went on to tell me what other essentials she had purchased….

    Now I’m not going to disclose what “Sue” bought, lest her hubby be a IDA member and this post spoil “Sue’s” surprise. But fella, you treat that bride of yours very nicely – cause she’s is a gem.


    PS: Guys – “Sue” has two sisters – I asked!

    NW, IL
    Posts: 884


    You sure brought back great memories for me. More years back than I realize, when we couldn’t afford the gas to drive to the store, my young bride saved and bought me my first vexilar, and a Frabill shack. Needless to say, I was stunned, happy, and spent the day in the shack, in the basement.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Uncle Grump…

    You keep meeting these young ladies at the sports shops and you’re going to have to change your handle…

    Uncle HAPPY!

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