Nope, there is still time. We get very busy in December, so the sooner the better – but we do take orders right up until Chrsitmas and try our best to get them done. We also have a nice selection of custom rods already finished and on display. Good Fishing, Mike
I’ve been meaning to ask about this for weeks now Mike… what do you guys offer as far as ice rods go? Have you given an consideration to doing an ice rod sale for X-mas? Everyone is hot for a new jigging stick with ice fast approaching!
Yes, we make lots of ice rods. We also have lots of manufactured ice rods. Prices for the manufactured rods run from $5 to $25, and the custom rods are $13 to $60. We actually have a couple hundred ice rods in stock as well as ice rod/reel combo’s.
I’ll do a Christmas special on ice rods – just mention you saw this post and I’ll take 10% off any custom ice rod!
Super cool. You might want to toss a note on this deal in the bargain forum. I know there’s a slug of guys headed to the shows looking for a new ice rod right now.
OK James, I’ve made it official on the Bargain forum. 10% off any custom ice rods now through Christmas. Feel free to call, PM or e-mail any questions.
I bought a medium light action custom fishing rod from hooked on fishing last summer and its the best, most sensitive rod I’ve ever fished with. Its great for sunny’s and crappies. I will never fish with a wallmart special again!!! My brother and my dad have had 3 custom ice rods made and they are realy nice. Troy Pike
Guys, Mike also has gift certificates that you can give for Christmas and Birthdays presents too. So if you aren’t giving an ice fishing rod or even an open water fishing rod as a present you can give a gift certicate so that way to person can pick out what tackle, rods, reels etc that he or she wants. I love getting AND giving HOF gift certicates. Thanks, Bill