The magazine, Ice Fishing 2004-2005, a FW publication is on the newsstands. Got mine at Super America on 4 Stree S.E..
This addition is of special interest to our area. Several excellent articles concerning panfish, crappies, bluegills and perch. The one article that really caught my attention, “Panfish Experiment” on page 62 addresses tighter regulations improving bluegill fishing in the backwaters north of Winona and pools 5, 5A and 8.
Dan Dieterman, fisheries biologist for the Minnesota DNR and oversees this area, makes some very interesting observations. Do the regulations on bluegills, size and numbers make a difference? After reading this article, I was left with the impression that YES they do. They, the DNR are also optimistic. Some very good reading.
November 17, 2004 at 3:06 pm