where do fish get mercury from????

  • sidecar fisher
    Rochester, Mn.
    Posts: 245

    Just a quick question. I was talking with the family today about eating fish from the mississippi and how the dnr recommends 1 meal a week of certain fish because of mecury and polution. My daughter asked me how the fish get mecury…..good question…..I couldn’t answer. Thanks, Troy Pike

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    The problem is more with PCBs than Mercury on the Mississippi River and the upnorth lakes tend to have more Mercury problems. But I’ve never really given that much thought as I’m not a fish eater. Where exactly does all that mercury come from? I know farmland run off and acid rain adds to the water problems but just where is all the mercury problems from?
    Thanks, Bill

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 145

    A great question. You gotta love them kids for challenging us adults. I could not answer it either so I typed “Mercury pollution sources” into google. Mercury sources. is one explanation that I found.
    Another source for information is:Minnesota Polution Control Agency
    And there are many more listed by google.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks Joe. We who don’t fish the upnorth lakes alot don’t get involved with the mercury issues as much as the northern anglers do so thats a question that answers were needed for. Much appreciated. Thanks, Bill

    sidecar fisher
    Rochester, Mn.
    Posts: 245

    Thanks joe. I never realy Thought about it either but now we know. Good job. Troy Pike

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