Ice fishing locations…………

  • sidecar fisher
    Rochester, Mn.
    Posts: 245

    We are looking for a good place for one of our permanent ice fish houses this winter. We’re thinking either lake byllesby in cannon falls or on the mississippi river by maidon rock. They didn’t plow byllesby last year. Do they plow on the river by maidon rock? Is one place better fishing than the other? any info would be great. Thanks. Troy Pike

    Posts: 3681

    Troy Nix lake byllesbe One of the most polluted lakes in mn.It has some dandy crappies and eyes in it but hard to catch in the winter.Lake pepin in my opinion would be a better choice.Then there always the lakes in the Fairbo area,some of them are real good panfish lakes. Stuart

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Hey Troy,

    I thought you were going to put it on Willow Creek?
    I would recommend Lake Zumbro. It has a very consistent winter bite for crappies and bluegills, and nice size too. The backwaters of the Mississippi is another option. Lake Pepin tends to be a tougher fishery, but was actually fairly good around Lake City last year. I am pretty sure there is no plowing of snow on Lake Pepin.

    Good Fishing,

    sidecar fisher
    Rochester, Mn.
    Posts: 245

    mike, Between me my dad and my brother we have 2 permanent fish shacks and 1 portable. The smaller permanent one we are just finishing up is going at willow creek. We have a realy nice one that is a 14 foot converted cargo trailer with the drop axles, furnace, tv, bunks ect. Thats the one were looking for a place for. Stuart, I didn’t realize byllesby was that poluted. We went to the fairbault lakes,Roberds and French, last year 4 time and never caught 1 fish. I didn’t even consider Lake Zumbro, I’ll have to keep that one in mind . Thanks for all the info. Troy Pike

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Keep your eye on Shields and Mazaska Lakes in the Fairbault area as they are usually pretty good. Lake Zumbro is closer and can put out some good crappie action. Fishing decissions-the fun decissions to make.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 569

    What kind of action are you looking for? I could suggest Frontenac Pond, I have fished this for about 6 years and every year have caught many northerns there in the winter. It also has panfish action with lots of small sunnies, once in a while you can catch a keeper sunny. I have also seen bass and catfish, ironically, caught there in the winter. I caught a cat 2 years ago on a waxie go figure

    nice spot at times can be a very busy pond, but a good fishery

    good luck

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Stopped out at HOF to pick up some 4 lb line for open water panfish and noticed that Mike has the ice fishing jigs out. And what a selection too. Everything you need.

    Thanks, Bill

    Dodge County MN
    Posts: 221


    You say that Zumbro is good in the winter – and I’m not doubting you…. but –

    The current in Zumbro bothers me. There have been a number of snowmobiles which have gone thru it in recent years.

    Do you or anyone who fishes Zumbro alot have any info as to where these have been vs the areas which the crappies and gills are to be found….

    Yup – I’m chicken – I don’t fancy a cold bath….


    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 97

    I second the Frontenac pond. There is always a lot of perms out there and the fishing seems to stay consistant through out the season. Haven’t heard of any Walleye out there though. Mostly Northern, sunfish, and Crappie.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Hey UG, where you been hiding?
    The problem areas tend to be where the lake narrows and the current is a bit more, like around Sandy Point and up near the dam. That said, it is still a river impoundment and can be risky at times when the ice is not well established (end of disclaimer.)
    The best spots for panfish are usually around the steep break shorelines, like rattlesnake point.

    Good Fishing,

    Dodge County MN
    Posts: 221


    Been in lurk mode mainly – nothing to contribute right now so far as fishing reports. <sigh>


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