My daughter is getting married next week so the in-laws are already rolling into town for the celebration. I was placed on the entertainment committee, so I figured what better way to entertain em, then to take em fishing for bluegills and crappies.
My sister in-law and her husband are from Montana and of course do a lot of trout fishing. However, they said they were interested in some good old fashion bobber fishing for panfish.
We fished the backwaters area of Wabasha with huge success.
Fish or a bite on every cast. Needless to say they were impressed and had a ball, catching one right after another.
Between the three of us, probably caught close to 200, however, only kept 20 for a fish fry last night. 2 to 3 feet under the bobber, hair jigs, mini mites or flicktails did the job. Started off tipping them with waxies, but as the day wore on, could connect on plain jigs. I must admit they had fun because during the fish dinner, they kept telling my wife, wow, should have been there, non stop action.
Honestly, the majority of the fish were on the small size, however, there were plenty of 7’s and a few 8’s for gills. One crappie measured 14 inches, the others were right around 10 to 11. It was a beautiful day to be out and have a chance to share with outsiders what fantastic country we enjoy.
October 12, 2004 at 7:14 pm