Working at Hooked on Fishing.
It’s back to school for that boy…(can you hear the sigh of releif from the fish? But I have notice that the geese are getting a little edgy)
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Minnesota Lakes & Rivers » Regional Forum – Rochester MN » Jakes last day…
Working at Hooked on Fishing.
It’s back to school for that boy…(can you hear the sigh of releif from the fish? But I have notice that the geese are getting a little edgy)
Yep, my little college boy is done now. I hope he learns a lot because there seems to be plenty of room in that brain of his!
Jake, enjoyed our conversations out at the shop while waiting for Mike to get there so he and I could go fishing.
Good luck at school. Study hard and stay away from those college ladies. They only want to go shopping and could care less about fishing.
You are all to familiar with hooks as a fisherman, well those ladies have razor sharp hooks and they aren’t interested in catch and release.
I notice Jake has been very qiuet lately. Think this going back to school for him is going to be hard for him. Think hes going to miss us?
Maybe we should all remind him to take his computer with him so he can still be right here with us and still have fun being with us all.
Thanks, Bill
Ohhhh poor Bill……missin me already . But don’t worry good sir, now that I’m back and settled, the IDA time only goes up. Wireless network all over campus means cruisin the web while the prof is up there jabbering about who knows what
(but we can keep that between us).
anywho, it is true……the Jakeman has vacated the bait shop
. It was great meeting a few of you guys (although I think I may have met more of you and didn’t really know it
But, without further adu…..
10 things I learned working at a bait shop
10. Some people expect way to much for way to little
9. A large number of dead minnows left in a overly warm enviornment over night smell quite retchedly the next morning.
8. It’s hard to work 12hrs straight after a late night at the casino without taking at least a little bit of a nap
7. Apparently the small mouth bass in the zumbro river have spots
6. At least 60% of all people who fish are REALLY REALLY weird!!!
5. There have been a 30# channel cat caught out of lake zumbro, 8 1/2# LargeMouth caught out of Foster Arends and a 2 pound sunnie caught out of Chester Woods…….(In other words, fisherman lie out their )
4. Getting up at 4:30am to work is not as fun as getting up at 4:30am to fish
3. Counting nightcrawlers is more fun than counting waxies (cause I only have to count to 12)
2. Green worms are delicious
1. Mike and Mike are great guys and EVERYBODY should go buy bait from Hooked on Fishing
Yes Jake, it won’t be the same without you. But we will have you on the board to keep us in smiles as always. Hope you learn something besides more fishing hotspots while at Winona.
Take care.
Thanks, Bill
Wow now that Jake is gone it is safe for me to come out and play
. I can only imagine that Winona is not a good bet to go fishing and I love it down there
Jake you forgot to mention in the list of thing learned was casting cranks shallow in high water, oh thats right you didn’t
. Good luck and have fun
Aaron, Maybe thats why Jake had to go back to school! Gee, I can tell its going to be a fun year already picking on Jake. Gotta love it!!!
Seriously though, Jake keep us posted on the fishing in your Winona area down there as we will be looking for your update fishing reports as we all know you prefer fishing over studying.
Thanks, Bill
jake olBOY
the prop that you mangeld on the wing dam that you abused
is back you can pick it up at the north store.
Prop damage I bet they don’t teach that in school
Sorry jake I had to jump in. Can we call you Rock Head?
Take care!
Jake…Study?? NNAAAAA!
Problem is he cannot lead me to fish either!
Got out last night with super Jake for a bit and it was SLOW to say the least.
Jake was able to share all of his wild and crazy summer adventures with me!
That conversation lasted about 2mins!
Jaky call ya sooner than later
………just one after the other after the other…….
but in my defense, I wasn’t aware I was the guide for last night……..and in my other defense, I don’t think the corp should put wingdams right where I want to drive my boat
I’ll be your friend….sounds like you need all you can get?
all of two minutes
……..better summer than last huh?
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