Bill, promote the upcoming IDA event?

  • ron_weltzin
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 417

    Hey buddy, are you going to promote the upcoming IDA event next Saturday?
    If things work out, I plan on being there so I can put some names with faces.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Here is the announcement:

    Announcing the 5th Annual Website Get Together!

    Please mark your calendars for Saturday, July 31st. The event will take place at Everts Resort: Everts Resort – Directions and Information

    As with all of the past get togethers, there will be a Free fishing contest with 3 categories. Walleye/Bass/Cats. Prizes from our generous sponsors will be awarded to the top weights in each category, with some “Wildcard” drawings from all of the contestants participating.

    We will have Free food for everyone. Please plan to bring a cooler with your favorite beverage.

    The fishing contest will begin at 7AM and weigh in will be at 3PM. (More details will be posted – Same format as last year.) Following the weigh-in, everyone will eat and prizes will be awarded. Everyone is welcome to hang out and “Shoot the Breeze” for as long as you like. Many times these “In-Depth” conversations have lasted well into the early morning hours!! Plan to stick around and put a face with that name from the site.

    This is a Family Friendly event. Please feel free to bring the kids. Hope to see everyone there, even if it for a short visit.

    I plan to be there and hope to see many of you! If you can’t make the fishing, show up in the afternoon for the other fun.

    Good Fishing,

    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495

    Sure wish I could go this year. Maybe if there is enough notice for next year’s, I can plan my yearly Mississippi River vacation around that time.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Below is directions from Red Wing to Everts Resort where the In-Depthangling Get Together is this Sat. July 31st.

    Driving Directions:
    From Red Wing: Take Hwy 63 over Mississippi River channel north to Wisconsin. You will pass over two bridges. The first bridge (the larger of the two) crosses the main channel of the river. Turn left immediately after crossing the second and smaller of the two bridges. Mr.Sippi Bar will be on drivers left. Go to stop sign and go left onto County Road K. Go 1 mile to “Everts Resort” sign and turn left and continue down the hill to enter the resort.

    Unfortunately Ron I haven’t figured out yet how to get a schedule like Mikes. I called the store from work this morning and caught him sneaking out to get his boat ready [busted] to go fishing this afternoon [with you] [busted again] and you will notice all the post he made today on the site yet its all on working paid time [busted again again]. Talk about having it made. Oh well, some people have it sooooooooo easy. If they aren’t fishing then they are talkin fishin all day long AND gettin paid for it too. Kind of like that Jake fella ya know.
    Well anyway, will be lookin for a fishin report from you boys about all those fish you caught playin hooky.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Well Guys and Gals, today is Friday which means tomorrow is Saturday. So come Saturday grab the wife and kids and come on over to the IDA Get Together for some food and fun and I’ll see you there. And its open and FREE to ALL.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Yes, free! Where else can you rub elbows with some great fisherman and eat for free? I’m looking forward to a great time, and I hope many of you can make it!

    Good Fishing,

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Its also a good chance to check out Everts Resort if you have ever thought of spending a weekend there or a week there. Steve Vick really runs a nice place there. The cabins have like 5-6 beds in them so its a great place to go with a bunch of buddies and split the cost and comes out pretty cheap that way for a fishin get-away-weekend or week. Either Minnesota or Wisconsin fishing licenses work on the river. See you there.

    Thanks, Bill

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