Anybody do any muskie fishing on Lake Zumbro? I’ve heard they’re in there, but is there a population of fish to fish for?

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They have stocked the lake for muskies since 1994 and I beleive there are some 40″ fish there. I am planning on fishing muskie for the first time there this fall when there is a lot less traffic on the lake. I think it has only been about 300 fingerlings a year so population is not great. My opinion is that the growth rate would be very good. I have not seen much “official” casting for them from many.
I have not personally fished for them but I have heard of people catching some very big ones at times right below the dam. The ones above the dam in the lake part I don’t believe are as big.
Thanks, Bill
There are big musky’s in the lake as well as below the dam. I know a guy that boated a 40″ musky in the lake last fall. That is the largest I have heard of from the lake, but I believe there are probably numbers of big ones. The musky’s do not receive much pressure, in part because the structure of the lake is a lot different than most musky waters. There are also numbers of big northerns as well.
Good Fishing,
I stopped out at Hooked On Fishing this morning with my old fishin buddy who came up for the weekend from Iowa [he moved back down there for who know why ]
and talk about the luck of the topic. The guy that caught the 40 inch Musky in Lake Zumbro was in the store at that moment so Mike told me who he was. So of course I had to get the details of that exciting moment in his life. Most musky fisherman dream of catching one like that way up north yet this guy caught one down here in one of our own Rochester Area waters. Just goes to show how lucky we really are to live around here. Yes,
, this is God’s country.
Just gotta love all the fishing opportunities right in this area.
Thanks, Bill
You guys have obviously NOT been listening to me………The Lake Zumbro toothies have mysteriously vanished ………I just did some checking through my records from this summer, and found that I have spent just a little over 50 hours fishing that lake and have caught a grand total of 1 Northern Pike!!!…….I can’t even recall losing a single lure to them yet (This is a good thing
). All I know for sure is that last year they were a huge pain in the
, and this year they just aren’t around.
Read this thread (Rumors of Muskie’s) and believe what you want, but I feel fishing for pike or muskie on the lake would be all but a waste of time .
Somehow I don’t think too many people are going to believe the toothies have disappeared just because you haven’t been able to connect Jake.
Here is the stocking data for the musky’s in Lake Zumbro:
Year Species Age Number
1997 Muskellunge Fingerling 300
1998 Muskellunge Fingerling 300
1999 Muskellunge Fingerling 300
2000 Muskellunge Fingerling 320
2001 Muskellunge Fingerling 564
2002 Muskellunge Fingerling 300
I have caught or seen caught 6-8 northerns so far this year in the lake. They’re there!
Good Fishing,
Here is some more data on Lake Zumbro from the DNR website:
Status of the Fishery (as of 07/15/2002)
Lake Zumbro is a long, narrow impoundment about 600 acres in size created by a hydro-electric dam on the Zumbro River. It is characterized by a rocky shoreline that drops off quickly into deep water. Because the lake is technically a river, it provides unique deepwater habitat for native fish such as channel catfish and smallmouth bass. Other, more traditional “lake” species are also present and include largemouth bass, bluegill, black crappie and yellow perch. In 1994, muskie fingerlings were stocked into Lake Zumbro to provide anglers a new fishing opportunity. Since then, over 2000 muskie fingerlings have been stocked. The lake was chosen to receive muskie introductions because of its relatively good size, low abundance of northern pike (a direct competitor) and abundance of forage fish such as sucker and redhorse. Adult muskie are present in Lake Zumbro with some perhaps >40 inches.
A 2002 population assessment generally found gamefish and non-gamefish abundance to be stable. Large and smallmouth bass are present in good numbers across all size ranges. Bluegill and black crappie averaged 6.7 and 8.5 inches in length, and are present in good numbers across several size ranges. Black crappie abundance is above average in Lake Zumbro, providing good fishing during various times throughout the year. Spring trapnetting to assess muskie stocking success was completed in 2001 and 2002. Special, large nets were used to target adult muskie near shallow shoreline areas. A total of 4 muskies have been sampled, ranging in size from 11 to 36 inches.
Probably the two most significant findings from the 2002 assessment is the apparent trends we’re seeing with regard to northern pike and channel catfish. Northern pike abundance has increased from 0/net prior to 1996 to 2.8/net in 2002. Large northern pike have been collected during spring muskie netting, and it is apparent that successful spawning is occuring somewhere within Lake Zumbro or in one or more of its tributaries. Because spawning habitat and other water quality characteristics are less than ideal, it is unlikely that northern pike will ever reach densities high enough to negatively impact the muskie fishery.
Perhaps of more concern is the downward trend in channel catfish abundance. From 1977 through 2002, channel catfish have gone from a high of 34.4/net in 1985 to 6.2/net in 2002. Several reasons for this decline are possible, including changes in spawning habitat. Property owners around Lake Zumbro often like to clear logs and other woody debris from around their shorelines. Since channel catfish are cavity nesters, this practice can be destructive to spawning success. Spawning takes place at water temperatures ranging from 70-75 degrees F. Rapid changes in water levels as a result of the Rochester Flood Control Project can trigger abrupt changes in water temperature, negatively impacting spawning success. Anecdotal information from anglers suggest that fishing pressure is light, and harvest is probably minimal, though we do not have creel survey data to verify this. It is also possible that the population will rebound naturally and that it is simply at the downward end of a cycle. We will continue to monitor the situation and continue to manage Lake Zumbro primarily for channel catfish and muskellunge, with secondary management priority given to bluegill, black crappie, smallmouth bass and largemouth bass.
Good Fishing,
And I am to believe all this from a guy who ”eats” green worms, changes his pic every week, can’t even catch a northern or musky this year, can’t even find me when I’m on the water , and has a sunburn in a place where his mommy would be embarassed if she knew he was showing us. Ok Jake, granted you are a pretty nice guy, well forget the pretty part, lol, but nice. Yet you seem to forget what fish look like with teeth in them. Maybe buy a magazine, go to the library, get a fish book, buy a toothy fish tape or something. I have no problem catching northerns even when I’m fishing for crappies or bluegills on Lake Zumbro. Man are they a blast on lighter action St. Croix rods. They bend that rod and yet they don’t break they are so strong and have so much backbone. And with it teamed up with the Okuma reels with 7 ball bearings that Mike carries at HOF those fish are a blast to play on panfish epuipement.
Gotta love it!
Tip of the week for Jake: Fish for other fish like panfish and you may up your chances of catching a northern.
[northerns eat panfish]
Thanks, Bill
ps. make sure you are wearing your new In-depthangling hat as they bring good luck!
Believe me, I’m not the only one that has taken notice
You can make all the joke’s ya want, but I’ve already stated my case……”I feel fishing for pike or muskie on the lake would be all but a waste of time ”
P.S. Bill, when was the last time you’ve been fishing out there
WOW!!! Mike and I must have been typing at the same time. Maybe you better wear TWO In-depthangling hats as it sounds like you really need some good luck with all those fish in there and can’t find one Maybe even have Mike Fischer make you a special Musky/Northern St. Croix Rod [the best sensitive rods ever] to help you ”feel” when one comes near your bait or lure.
And then you will have to buy a digital camera to take all those pics of all those toothy fish that rod and lucky hat will catch you. Seriously though, a great rod like that does help you hook and up your chances of landing that fish of a lifetime.
Thanks, Bill
P.S. Bill, when was the last time you’ve been fishing out there
[end of Jakes quote]
Jake, I don’t go to Lake Zumbro fishing, I go to Lake Zumbro ”catching.”
Hey Jake,
I’ll probably have to make a special trip out there just to concentrate on the toothy guys. You up to an evening trip Bill? Make sure we bring the camera!
Good Fishing,
If you guys go, you better take me with you!!! (cause I want to see the look on your face after 6 hours of fishing with nothing to show for it )
Mike and I will be fishing for bluegills Jake. What will you be fishing for??? Somethin with false teeth?
Haven’t you ever seen a bluegill with a northern head?
Thanks, Bill
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