Spent a few hours out on Lake Zumbro yesterday afternoon with RHW. We worked the shorelines using small jigs tipped with waxies. The fishing was a bit more difficult than what had been used to, but we still caught lots of fish. Ron kept a meal of nice bluegills, and we released everything else. We caught a lot of smallmouth bass, most were small with a couple larger ones. I had something happen that I’ve never seen before – I was bringing a smaller bluegill to the boat and noticed a large fish take a swipe at it. I figured it was a northern, which I’ve seen happen a few times. It turned out to be about a 3 lb. largemouth bass! The bass actually hit the bluegill several times before swimming away – quite a sight!
Lake Zumbro is a quality fishery and well worth a few hours of fishing. Since we didn’t get any crappies yesterday, we will try to find them next time. I believe they are going to be suspended over deeper water, so we’ll need to locate them with the electronics and then put a small jig in front of their noses. That method should also produce stripped bass.
Good Fishing,