The Glacier Stops Here

  • sukye
    Posts: 3

    Conference/expo in Rochester this weekend.

    See details in

    Minnesota DNR:
    fishing experts will conduct a seminar. Kevin Stauffer, the head of fisheries out of Lake City will share with us his knowledge of our Mississippi river system. Vaughn Snook
    will do a presentation on cold water trout fisheries in our area. Vaughn is the assistant head of fisheries out of the Lanesboro office. They will have also have a very exciting
    booth with live snakes and naturalist Sara Grover from Whitewater State park will be showing them.. and much more. There will also be lots of information on Forestry.
    Presentation time:
    2 PM Friday
    3 PM Saturday

    National Trout Center’s George Spangler will be a featured speaker Friday afternoon. His topic: The Fourth Trout. They also have a booth then.

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