? for Mike, HOF

  • mrcrappie
    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    Hey Mike, Will you be getting any hats at the shop for sale?
    They look really nice And I got to have one. If not I’ll order one, Thanks. Casting in the trees. Sounds like down time. Was there any Bass wood?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Hey Doug,

    I assume you are talking about the IDA hats? I believe they are coming soon. We also have some very nice HOF hats.
    Basswood – yep, they eat jigs!

    Good Fishing,

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I’ll have IDA hats in Mike’s hands by Friday AM. Plenty for both stores. Should save guys the wait on shipping and of course hanging out with the guys at HOF and talking fishing is ALWAYS worth the stop.

    Thanks for the interest gentlemen. They are mighty fine looking hats!

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    Thanks guys,I need one for this weekend. Mike, I’ll be out friday

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    YES!!! They are really nice hats. I cheated and got my 6 hats already. Some kids just can’t wait ya know. Maybe I should of got seven so I would have one for each day. Make sure you get yours just in time for the fishing weekend.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    The hats have arrived. Nice hats!

    Good Fishing,

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Hey Jake, maybe one of these hats will be your ”lucky hat” and you will catch all kinds of fish!

    ps. I see Mike couldn’t wait either to get some hats.

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