Sadly, it has come to this. Even the fish are being terrorised. I learned of this fact quite accidently.
I stopped at HOF over noon to peruse all of the toys ^h ^h ^h ^h I mean – vitally needed equipment and tackle located on the premesis.
Who do I run in to there, but IDA’s own RHW, also known as Ron. We haven’t seen each other for a while, so we began chatting, and in walks the big kahuna of HOF himself, Mike.
What do I learn, none other that they are playing hookie, and are heading out to terrorise the local fish. Worse, RHW shows me his “baby” – the super spiffy new panfish rod he had Mike Fisher build for him – and I must admit, its a veeerrrryyyy sweet rod. I was even allowed to try a cast with it. As I said, sweet. Ron – you spoil me.
Then RHW has the nerve, the gall, to invite me to go along.
What – me? Associate w/ known fish terrorists?
I must admit, this offer was highly tempting – even for someone of my high standing <cough> <cough>. But then he tells me that if I do come along, I can’t use his new baby.
What?!?!! That tears it – I’m going back to work and sulk!!
Hope you guys have a super time!! Let us know how you did…