Week 6 IDA Rochester Forum Contest

  • hof
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Week 5 is done and thanks to everyone for the great posts and pictures!
    The winners for week 5 are RHW for his tips about catching fish on Lake Zumbro, and Uncle Grump for his pictures of the northerns caught on Lake Zumbro. You may both stop in to HOF to pick up your prizes.
    Now for week 6! Keep the posts coming. The prizes for week 6 are 12 count packages of B-Fish-N Tackle K-Grubs. Remember, you only need to make a post or reply to an existing post, with a tip or tips. The other way to win a prize for this week is to post the best fishing related picture. Don’t forget, all members of the Rochester forum are eligible for a free In-Depth Angling decal. You can pick up your decals at HOF.

    Thanks to everyone!

    Good Fishing,

    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    Don’t know if this came through,but here is MrMuskie with a real nice walleye from Mille Lacs and the story that goes with it is to funny to tell.Lets just say I laughed so hard that I was crying. Good fishing Don

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Hey Don,

    Now that you’ve teased us, let’s hear the story!

    Good Fishing,

    Dodge County MN
    Posts: 221


    Thank You! See you sometime this week….


    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    Sorry Mike,but if I told this story over the internet Doug would kill me. But you will have to ask him the next time he is in HOF.You will however get the laugh of the day out of it. E-mail him at home and he will tell you I,m sure.

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    wildfan, Go ahead & tell the story. I can take it. Just make sure you tell it right.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Nice fish!!! Was that caught on the south end of the lake?
    Thanks, Bill

    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    Yes Bill,it was caught on the south east end of the lake using a slip bobber about 6ft down in 8 to 10ft of water.The bait was a leech and a minnow letting it drift from 10ft into 8ft of water.I believe we were using #4 hooks,the red ones I found out later worked slightly better.Best times were in the evening,starting at 6pm to 10pm. MrMuskie,I don’t think I can do the story justice.Maybe you could tell it?

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    Wildfan, If you weren’t so much that your eyes started to water you probably could tell the story. Go ahead wildfan, Tell it. I won’t . You looked good netting it with the muskie net

    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    MrMuskie,I would have no idea how to keep it clean enough for the forum? And yes that had to have been a site to the other boats when we got out that big muskie net for those walleye (we were fishing muskie earlyer in the day and it was the only net we had). But hey,what other guide do you get a guarantee out of and it comes though (boy did I put it on the line there!)

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    Wildfan, You want to run up & fish this wekend? Only we’ll take the walleye net too this time. Let me know

    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    Oh yeah!!!

    Dodge County MN
    Posts: 221

    And we still haven’t heard (ok read) the story!!!

    Actually, I’ve heard it – its hilarious – but get it told –

    The world is awaiting this tale of MN outdoors at its finest.


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    You guys can send it to me privately and I will water it down so it can be posted.


    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    Ok Guys. I didn’t think it was funny at the time. Wildfan & I were fishing Mille Lacs for muskies. After not doing very well we decided to fish walleyes on a shallow rock pile. We got set up & soon I was bad mouthing the lake for never being nice to me. While doing this I was looking for my bobber. Which I couldn’t find!! Ater setting the hook & seeing a nice walleye on the line I said get the net, So wildfan grabbed the Huge muskie net & about that time I saw a nice Muskie tring to take it off my hook. I kept it away from him & Wildfan netted it. Lets just say if you net walleyes with a net that size people notice. Soon we were not alone any more. Next thing I know we’re in a PACK of boats, Woman included. And my blatter was FULL. After holding it in for a couple hours I HAD TO GO!! NOW!! So I cut the top off a water bottle that was empty. Got down in the back of the boat on my knees. I had to go so bad that I couldn’t go. I had my fishing pole leaned up against the motor while this was going on. Finnally Got it to go. All of a sudden my pole was leaving the boat. So I had to drop the bottle(Which is half full & grab the rod) I mean fishing pole. Now that I got it going It was hard to stop. If you know what I mean. LOL Lets just say I’m glad that I got a vinyl floor. After a good battle Wildfan put the net to it. He was laughing at me so bad I was worried if he could even see to net it. 24.5 in walleye. I think we caught 11 that night , 1 with a tag on it. So That’s the story. You might of had to be there to be funny, maybe not. Good Fishin

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 417

    Doug, funny story for sure. I had a similiar situation a few back while fishing for panfish.
    My partner hooked into a slimly northern and was hooting and hollering. Told him we were not here to catch snakes, rather after panfish, so, I simply reached over the side of the boat, raised his line with the northern still attached and cut the line. God you should have seen the look on his face. It was like he couldn’t believe what I had just done. He was so stunned, he didn’t say a word. I knew he was upset with me and I also knew he would get back at me.
    He did, and boy was it embarassing.
    That is a story similiar to yours and not so sure I want to share it. However your story brought up some old WARM memories.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    And as Paul Harvy would say”AND NOW YOU KNOW THE REST OF THE STORY” .The funny thing was as I was trying to net his fish I look over to the other side of the boat and my bobber was down,19″walleye there.MrMuskie,I think if we try hard we might be able to fit a porta-john in back with a rod holder .We will give a report after this weekend as we are going back up to the big pond.Good fishing,Don

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    Well if ya can’t laugh at yourself, It’s hard to laugh at anything. I hope the story was clean enough. But you guys kept asking. Wildfan, You driving? Good!! I’ll rest my blatter

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Ok Ron, you are next. Spill the beans.
    Thanks, Bill

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 417

    Well after cutting his line and letting his northern go, we didn’t speak for over an hour and I knew he was not real happy with my sense of humor.
    Well bobbing up and down in the boat brought on that sensation that surrounded by water will bring on. So I nicely asked if he would not pull over to shore so I could accomplish what needed to be done.
    He pulled up to shore and I was in the front of the boat. V shaped floor so my toes were pointed upward with my weight on my heels. I looked to the left then looked to the right, no women or kids around, so I am good to litterly go. I reached out and grabbed a tree branch to better balance myself. Well right in the middle of the process, he decides to put the motor into reverse. The tree branch snapped off in my hand and backwards I fell flat on my back, staring stright up into the sky. Laying in the bottom on the boat and of course the process hadn’t quite finished. So, yes, for a guy who hadn’t said a word to me in over an hour, had all kinds of things to say at that point. Lesson learned here, don’t ever, never mess with a guys fishing.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Kids will be kids I guess. Sounds like another lession from the ”school of hard knocks.” Ouch!!!
    Thanks, Bill

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