and my freind got a muskie within 5 minutes!!!! if anybody wants to give me there e-mail so i can send them the pic and they could post it it would be greatly apreaciated)
while i’ll tell the storie so you guys can have something to go off of until ecnook gets the picture posted for me(thanks for doing that bud )but we got down to Mac’s and both started tossing out mepps #5 spinner (he was using red i was using yellow) and afetr about 5 minuted he decides to switch to a smaller blue fox spinner in a gold size 2. and with in 3 casts he connets with his first muskie!! after fishing that for a while more (and not getting another fish, a couple more strikes though) we went up to fishermans inn for some white bass fishing.
oh yes just about forgot!!!! this fish WAS released due to it being under 40″ and yes that is a stringer in its mouth but we just had it there because otherwise we were afraid that it would sqwirm out before we got a picture. just clearing that up so people dont jump to comclusions.
nope this is not a tiger muskie. (the easiest way to tell is if the tail fins are rounded they are tiger if they are pointy its a normal muskie) it is just in it’s spotted phase, so that might be why it looks odd.
yup, that’s my buddy with his first muskie. Hopefully if my job, the weather, and the fish all cooperate i will be in a picture with a muskie by the time the summer is over with. happy fishing for all!!! im about to go out for some white bass at fishermans in here pretty soon so i’ll have another report up soon…