Hit the backwaters of pool 9 yesterday. I know pool 9 might not be what you consider the region but it is only an hour and 20 minuits away. The eyes were hitting pretty good as we boated 9 legals and a half dozen shorts before we go rained out. I was pulling 3 ways and the majority of the fish were hitting the jig. Since the water has gone down and the fish are preferring the jig I would imagine that pulling crawlers will be working good this week. In the backwater areas I look for flow, when I find the flow and water clarity I like I pull 3-ways to pick up the active fish and make a pattern of where the fish are and what they are hitting on. For instance on the top of an eddy, lower of eddy, tight to the bank, inside bend, outside bends. Then I try to establish color patterns, lure patterns, speed, and line lenght. When you start connecting the dots you can explore new areas and when you know what your looking for you can eliminate the junk water and stick to where the fish are. Congrats to my partner Tim as he boated his first double keeper on Friday with a 17 and 19in eye on a 3 way. Sunday he repeatd this the an eye and a beautiful DOGFISH!!! Tight lines Drag Smokers Guide Service, Joe and Tim Moenck
June 28, 2004 at 12:53 pm