Week 4 Contest For IDA Rochester Forum Members

  • hof
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Last week’s winner is joeyno5 for his post on trolling for walleyes on Lake Pepin. Congratulations Joe!
    No one posted a picture last week, so that prize is unclaimed.
    Now for week 4 of the contest. Remember, you only need to make a post or reply to an existing post, with a tip or tips. The other way to win a prize for this week is to post the best fishing related picture. The prizes for this week are 12 packs of B-Fish-N Tackle K-grubs.
    Don’t forget, all members of the Rochester forum are eligible for a free In-Depth Angling decal. You can pick up your decals at HOF.

    Good Fishing,

    Posts: 77

    Thanks to the person that purchased the prizes for the Rochester forum’s weekly prize . I had extra time this morning to stop out and actually pick up the first weeks prize.
    On the way out of the drive I notices on the hooked on fishing sign “Red tail chubs” (Thanks for letting me know Mike). If I am unable to get willow cats I like to use red tails. These bigger minnows are a good choice for walleyes and smallies. They fish a little differnt then a normal minnow. Walleyes will take them , but they take longer to take the bait in. I normally use them during cold front and late summer/ fall.
    They work during summer as well. Look at using in slow conditions i.e lindy rigging and slow trolled 3 ways on points, dropp offs and wing dams .
    Good Luck
    P.s. Jake how big was it. Bigger than a gold fish

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Jake’s Tip of Da Week

    Buy the green worms……They’re delicious

    ps. This is most definatly a fishing related picture

    pss. I hear gold fish like them too

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    And according to the pic ”AKA the little turkey” likes them too.

    [gee, did I do that?]

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Now I understand why you feel asleep at work yesterday. Those green crawlers are just like Chinese food – they make you tired!

    Good Fishing,

    Posts: 77

    Now the next time I go sucker fishing I am confident that the green ones work . Mike, that is the best advertisement I have seen in along time .


    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    And they turn you ”green” too!

    Posts: 77


    Now I understand why you feel asleep at work yesterday. Those green crawlers are just like Chinese food – they make you tired!

    Jake was sleeping because he was a little “green” around the gills

    Rochester MN.
    Posts: 486

    Now Jake they are all picking on you but I would have to say that the best picture was that big hog you managed to trip over last week!!! I Have to admit when I actually saw poor Jake holding a fish, I think the whole IDA fan club had to have a double take!!!!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Jake was sleeping because he was a little “green” around the gills

    That answers the question I have always wondered about-if fish ever sleep.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Poor little turkey Jake! Now that green worm eating picture has been posted on the bulletin board at the North store. Who would have done that? I had to order more green crawlers today!

    Good Fishing,

    Kasson, MN
    Posts: 151

    Are keeping an eye on just where Jake has been eating his meals???

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    You know, Jake used to bring a sandwich to work. Wonder what he’s eating besides those green crawlers?

    Good Fishing,

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493


    Now that green worm eating picture has been posted on the bulletin board at the North store.

    Hey Mike, I’m glad you finally decided to put something worth looking at up on that old board………some of the photos on there leave something to be desired (if ya know what I mean)

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Rumor has it that your pic is up on what they call a the ”dart board” part of the picture board.
    Thanks, Bill

    Dodge County MN
    Posts: 221


    Many moons ago, when I first moved to the SE MN area, I heard rumors about there being N Pike in a small creek about not far from where I live. I drove over to the creek, eyeballed it, and promptly dimissed the rumor…there couldn’t be fish in there – No way were there pike in that creek…just no way!

    OK – fast forward 16 years – heard the rumor again and decided, what the heck – I’ll try it. That summer, my son and I pulled 8 pike out of that creek. We were shocked to say the least – and delighted.

    My point here is to say that we shouldn’t over look a body of water, just because it doesn’t fit a “profile” that exists in our mind, or because “no one else” fishes it. How do we know, until we try?

    And I will admit that I need to follow my own advice more often – I still fall in to the mindset I just mentioned.

    We’ve had alot of wet weather as of late – creek and river backwaters/ox-bows, flood control ponds, road construction “borrow” pits, you name it, they all have good amounts of water now, and could hold fish – especially if the spot has been there a while (do the pits along the Hwy 14 right-of-way by Dodge Center come to mind?)

    So why not take a day, and explore some of those spots? Who knows, you might find a “sleeper” and enjoy some quality fishing. Like this guy…..


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    Back to fishing pics. Sorry Jake I ate my worms in survival school!!
    Here is my son with his crappies from last Sunday. He got a nice trophy for first place in his age division. He does way better than his old man!!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Nice looking fish there. Great looking boat there too. How do you like it so far? Thanks for sharing. Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    Liking it so far Bill. Can’t believe how quiet the Yammi 4strk is. Top speed loaded about 37mph on the gps. Now just need to get out and use it more.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    We all need to get out there and use them more. A person can never put enough time on the water. Just like little kids I guess, never satisfied with the amount of times on the water. But thats not so bad. There are alot worse addictions out there and fishing is the most fun one. Thanks, Bill

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