As a welcome gift to the members of the Rochester Area Lakes Forum we would like to give you a free sticker. We have ordered a bunch and they should be in very soon [this week]. All you have to do to become a member on this forum is make a post on this forum. Very simple and sweet. We thought you would like it that way. The stickers are free to new members AND to people who are already members on this forum.
Each person may pick up their new sticker at Hooked On Fishing Bait and Tackle. One free sticker per person please. Thank you. Additional stickers may be bought for 1.50 each. This is your way to display your favorite fishing website in proud fashion and let others know about where they can get free fishing info. They look great on car/truck windows and on boats and anywhere else you may want to put one. Mike Smith of Hooked On Fishing will announce when the stickers are in right here on this forum. We are also going to be having weekly contest this summer, all summer long.
We will be giving away plastics to the person who gives the best ”fishing tip of the week”about fishing on one of the Rochester Area Lakes/Rivers/Streams each week. And also will be giving away plastics to the person who post the best fish picture each week. In other words: have fun sharing your fishing tips and you are automaticly entered into the contest. And post a fishing picture and you are automaticly entered into the ”best fishing picture contest.” Sound GOOD?!!! Sweet and simple-just like fishing! Mike Smith and Bill Cadwell will be the judges each week. On Monday mornings Mike Smith will announce the winners from the week before entries. You may pick up your prize at Hooked On Fishing Bait and Tackle North Store in Rochester [the best Bait and Tackle Store around]. The contest starts ”right now” so lets start sharing your fishing tips and help everyone to learn more about catching fish.
Thank You.
James Holst [`H20`], Mike Smith, and Bill Cadwell