• ron_weltzin
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 417

    The Olmsted County Sheriff’s office has issued a NO WAKE in effect for Lake Zumbro. To check the status each day go to, Click on departments within Olmsted County, then click on Sheriff. Finally click on Lake Zumbro and you will get the latest lake status.

    Doesn’t mean you can’t fish on the lake, obviously you just can not create a wake while motoring from one place to another. So slow going until the water recedes.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks for the heads up Ron. I was thinking this might happen as they have used this many times before to help the residents out there with the high water. I will ask the question that I’m sure many will wonder about: Does the no wake mean only no wake and that boats can still go out on the lake but only at slow trolling speed? I have in the past seen the ramp blocked off before and also been told that it means I can not put my boat in. I don’t want to by any means do something I’m not suppose to do but if I can fish it would be nice to fish. Where is the line drawn as to what I can and cannot do. Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 417

    Bill, I was talking to a Sgt. on the sheriff’s office and asked him the same thing. He informed me that yes boats can get on, however, NO WAKE, means just that. So if you can propel yourself through the water without creating a wake, go for it. For all practical purposes, wouldn’t think it possible, unless one has all day to use an electric at slow speed.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    When we were fishing I had the electic on only around 2 1/2 speed. On pool 4 there are several no wake zones where alittle more than idle speed in forward is perfect according to the law there. Do you think that would satisfy the law at Lake Zumbro? Or maybe better for a person to chase walleyes this weekend? Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 417

    Don’t know what to tell you there Bill. I guess my way of thinking is it will have to be slow no matter what and just how fast and far to the better holes, might want to take a lunch along for the ride. Also, if there is a No Wake, with the water that high, gotta be lots of debris and crap floating in the water. Is it worth it? Might be better waiting a couple days for things to settle down. And pray we don’t get anymore precip for a few days.

    Kasson, MN
    Posts: 151

    On the bright side, a No Wake rule should mean that it is safe to canoe Lake Zumbro without getting run over by jet ski’s, water skiers and the occassional inconsiderate fisherman. Hope everyone has a safe week-end,

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Yes with all this rain there could be a ton of junk floating around. I was thinking more towards the weekend which, if the rain would stop, might change things so it would be open on a normal basis. But if it keeps raining who knows what this weekend will bring.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    I see on the RPU site that this mornings level is 920.48 which is below the 920.50 cut off the Sherriffs dept has listed. This means the no wake should be lifted.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks for the heads up! Good news is always great to hear.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Ron, I just changed the Title to your post as the no wake has been cancelled and didn’t want people seeing the title ”no wake” when its been lifted and still think their Holiday weekend plans are ruined. Hope you don’t mind since it is great news. Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 417

    No Bill, glad you did and like you said, keeps people informed and up to date.
    Hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday weekend.
    Now that the wake has been lifted, go catch some fish….

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    Just looked at the RPU web site and the water level is above the cutoff for no wake. I would assume this will be in effect. Nothing on the sheriffs site yet.

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