New to this site

  • wildfan
    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    I was just told about this site and from just looking around through it this site seems to be one of the best I have seen.Hope to see a little action on up north this weekend or on the zumbro if the weather doe’s not hold up.Great site guys and good fishing.DON

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Hey Wildfan,

    Welcome to the best site for fishing information! Glad to have you aboard and looking forward to hearing your input.

    Good Fishing,

    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    Thanks Mike,good to see you on this forum.I have a question for you about something I heard on willowcats,are they illegal to use now?Thanks DON

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Willowcats are currently under scruninty because of 2 reasons:
    1. If they are taken from the Mississippi River, they cannot be transported anywhere else. Any fish from the MS River cannot be transported anywhere due to the river being labled infested with foreign species of plants (milfoil) and animals (zebra muzzels & ruffe). You can use willow cats on the MS River if you catch them yourself and use them right away. They are considered a minnow on any boarder waters.
    2. Willow Cats are considered a member of the bullhead family on inland waters, and as such are considered a game fish. It is illegal to use game fish for bait.

    The DNR is working to get this issue resolved ASAP. It is not the fault of any Conservation Officers, they are just enforcing existing laws.

    I’ve got a few left and have not received any notification that I cannot sell them, but I suppose that could change in a hurry. Come and get them while you can!

    Good Fishing,

    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    Thanks for the info Mike.I have never used them but some people swear by them for walleye fishing.This is a great site and you have the best bait shop in the area bar none!Thanks Again.DON

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    They are a very good walleye, smallie, sauger, pike, etc., bait!

    I had wondered about this scenario in the past… obtaining bait from waters (mississippi river) known to be home to exotic species and selling them to the public. I know I can’t transport minnows used on the Mississippi River to another body of water for fear the water in the bucket might contain zebra mussels or other non-native nasty and this scenario would seem to me to be quite similar.

    I do know that many of the willow cats sold by the baitshops in Winona are netted / dipped in N. MN. Would these ‘cats be exempted since they likely did not come from waters with exotic infestations?

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Welcome to the site!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Welcome Wildfan. Glad to have you with us. Please feel free to post and share all you want. Thanks, Bill

    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    Thanks,H2O,Jolly and Bill,this site is realy friendly and I hope to be sharing some info as soon as possible if the weather will help out a little.Keep up the good work guys.DON

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