i assume all the ice is off the lakes considering it has been 70 for the last week so at cascade the ice is off will i get in any tourble for tossin a line in???
As long as you’re not targeting fish that are out of season you will be fine
I witnessed a guy at an area landing years ago try convince authorities his 5 of Diamonds was targeting big early season Crappies. Even the Warden couldn’t keep a straight face.
1/32 or 1/16 ounce jigs and a 1.5″ or 2″ twister tail and you’ll pass muster with no sweat from anyone, including the man with the star not selling Texaco products.
went to cascade this pat weekend did great! caught roughly a dozen 2 pound bass and too many gills to count along with a few crappies and a 3 pound sucker