just wanted to know how the ice is out there. was out last weekend and i drove my full size out. i would guess not by this weekend. any info would be great.

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IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Minnesota Lakes & Rivers » Regional Forum – Rochester MN » zumbro ice 2/5/12?
just wanted to know how the ice is out there. was out last weekend and i drove my full size out. i would guess not by this weekend. any info would be great.
all i know about the area ice is that somebody fell thru on lake onalaska in a truck so i dunno if i’d test it. hope somebody else can help i’m sure some1 was out this weekend! stay safe
I ran up to Lake Zumbro Sunday, to set up a couple tip ups near Fisherman’s End. I saw several vehicles venture out via the ramp. Mostly smaller cars, but a couple trucks. The traffic was nothing like the prior weekend though. I did not drive out, but after this weeks forecasted cold snap, I’ll be out there next weekend.
I was out last wednesday and I drilled about 20 holes between Ponderosa and rattle snake just to check and see if I would be able to get the big house out and found as little as 9 inches in one spot and 14 in the next. Make sure you know the thinkness ahead of you is all i can say. Needless to say my big house never got on the lake that day.
a couple a weeks ago there was about 12-13″ of ice on rattle and about the same in the main basin. just shows how much ice we lost with all this warm weather. was going to try and drive out this week but now if we are going to make enough ice for that. was there many trucks on the ice or small cars when u where out. im guessing not. thanks for the info!
I dont know about parking at Ponderosa, but that would sure be nice. I am going to drive out Friday afternoon to check out ice conditions again. If anyone else can help with a report, that would be greatly appreciated. I really would like to hit the lake early Saturday AM, but dont want to send my car to the bottom of the river.
the dnr ramp or what i call ponderosa has a parking lot and u just walk out from the dnr ramp.thats where i launch my boat at the dam its a public ramp. tom if u get out tomorrow i would also like to drive out early saturday morning from fisherman. if u could give a report that would be great. thanks and i hope that helps a little Tewook.
I was out yesterday (Thursday) drilled a pile of holes and they all had at least 12″. there were a number of vehicles driving out including a couple of full size trucks. Ice sure did make a lot of noise when people where driving around on it though.
Well this sounds promising… Thanks Teewook. After an additional 36 hours of below freezing, Saturday should be good so I’ll be there bright and early. If you see a little Subaru wagon break through the ice, throw me a rope! Good luck everyone.
How thick is the ice on Zumbro? I’m coming down this weekend to fish with my brother and was wondering how it is around Rattlesnake. How do you get to the Ryan’s bay area? Looks like a boat launch near Ponderosa campground. Anywhere closer? Thanks for the info everyone!
When I was out two weeks ago it was 12+ inches. Full size trucks where driving around. After a week of warm weather like we are having I would not suggest it. Wheelers are safe and if you have one you are lucky because the walk can get a little long.
there is a link that shows ryans bay. the closest place to get on is the Ponderosa. I walked it when i went last and the walk is not bad because the lack of snow. It took maybe 20 min from the Ponderosa to Ryans Bay.
Hope this helps.
just was wonder if anybody is getting on out there? i would guess that the ice pulled away form shore alitte bit since we got that 1 1/4″ of rain three days ago. any info would be great. i would guess some hiking if you do get on the ice.
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