Lake Z

  • louis-robinson
    dodge co. mn
    Posts: 469

    Hit up zumbro friday during the snow storm…marked lots of fish and it took a few adjustments and some patience.. Got set up and loaded a 1/16th oz frosty spoon chartchuese glow with spikes… The crappies came in high in the water coloumn..27 foot of water. In the afternoon I had to downsize to a gill pill with a couple spikes… Ended the day with 10 nice crappies and to my surprise a mark came in mid water..raised my bait and smack…after a 20 min battle ….15 pound class northern.. On my panfish rod… New ice personel best…

    I will see it “wade ” can post some pics for me…

    Posts: 6259

    Nice a #15 pike on jigging rod, must of been a blast. Congratulations on your new PB

    By Rochester,MN
    Posts: 708

    Nice job Louie!

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Nice job Louis….there are some real dogs in that puddle.

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404


    Nice job Louie!

    rochester MN
    Posts: 1099


    Nice job Louie!


    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    Way to go Louis. That looks like a blast

    The northern picture is a great picture. One for the wall for sure

    Ron Burgundy
    Utica MN
    Posts: 290

    How far did you have to walk for those fish?

    dodge co. mn
    Posts: 469


    How far did you have to walk for those fish?

    Ron..i came in on ryans bay road..i knocked on doors and got permission
    to acsess a residents property… I walked about 150 yards

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