Kids on Zumbro

  • a-and-t
    By Rochester,MN
    Posts: 708

    Took my 2 kids out on Sun. Yes , my daughter is almost 19 now. It was nice to get out with her before she goea back to college. Taking her fishing is just as fun as when she was little. Anyway back to fishing. We fished early in the morning in about 20′ and caught 5 cats a couple gills and 4 crappies. We then moved to a out of current area midday in 26-28′ ft. The gill action was very good with lots of 8″ and a few over 9″. Let all the fish go back today. Colors were all over the place with Sam using purple/ black Diamond jig with red Nuggie and Tuck using white gill pill with eurolarvea. We are big spring bobber users and those bigger gills barely move the spring bobber so watch closely

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 122

    Holy smokes, those are some nice fish through the ice! Looks like a great time!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Need I say anymore?

    Posts: 1282

    I’m on my way!!!

    Nice fish!

    rochester MN
    Posts: 1099

    nice job out there! Tuck dosnt look to excited to have caught that kitty
    his smiles are much better while holding pig eyes and pike!

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