
  • Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I’ve seen some people on the ice at Foster now and none appeared wet so I am assuming some ice there is fishable. I am going to try and get out there in the next couple days to see if any trout want to come out and play.

    While gold/orange lures, primarily jigging spoons, have been my Foster mainstays for years, I am going to try a color that has been good to me on Lake Superior for lake trout and loopers. The color is called Kevorkian and is an “almost” black purple on one half of one side of the typical lure while the remaining one half is a rich, dark raspberry red color. I have tried to capture this in a transparent plastic and want to give this a try, and Foster is as good a place to try as any.

    I plan to drop this on a plain head jig, maybe a 1/16.

    Has anyone heard at all if any stocking has happened yet this winter? I would assume at least one planting of fish would have happened prior to Christmas since that holiday week generally sees a ton of pressure on the lake.

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 193

    It was just stocked 2 Thursdays ago from what hof told me. I fished there yesterday with a solid 6 Inches of ice where I was at.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I was past there a couple times on Thursday and each time had more people on the ice. Cleats will be a must. Not a sign of snow on the ice that I could see and the beach appeared to have its usual open water yet.

    Gotta go try the trout. They are a riot from under the ice.

    Posts: 179

    usally dont fish trout but just wondering do you need a trout stamp on foster?

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Foster falls under special regs. You can fish the lake for anything with a regular license. To be able to keep any trout there, you need the stamp. C/r all you want.

    Limit is three trout with one over 20 inches. I think its 20 inches….check the book for being absolute on this.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    One over 16″ is the rule. Nice looking plastics Tom.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Thanks for the clarification dude.

    How’s the post surgery limbs? Still pretty stiff the last I heard, but then its been a while too. And the piper? Still huffing and puffing?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    Arm is good. Still some hand numbness and weakness but functional. Piper boy is too involved in college life and away from the local group. Home on break right now but back in Madison soon. We’ll see what the summer holds. Kinda miss that noise.

    Historic Mantorville
    Posts: 119

    gold has been working, there are some spots that people have drilled multiple holes together to form a giant hole, so watch your step. i tried some of the new plastics from HOF you have made. Used those on a different body of water and had good results, well as good as it coulda been giving the bite was slow all around.

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