the Zum

  • Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Yesterday and today I was out to the Zumbro. The fishing had taken a turn to the negative on Thursday and we found very little action. Marked a ton of fish, but they had the ultimate case of lockjaw. In four hours between two of us we had one sunfish and a carp. Not good. Thinking that Thursday afternoon’s sunshine might have turned things around a little, I went out again this morning. After getting the boat in the water, I gave the rope a pull and heard that sickly “tink” sound and realized the recoil spring had snapped off, so I came back home to do outboard repair.And trailer repair. And yard work. And garden work. So I’ll rest for the weekend now and go again on Monday. The water temp on Thurs. was having a hard time maintaining 43 degrees…we lost 5 degrees from the Friday before! And the only thing I got from this morning’s adventure was the water temp…43.5 degrees at seven-fortyfive am. The forecast is favorable for some heating of the water now all thru next week. If we can avoid any major cold fronts again or cold rain, things should begin to snap out there. On Thurs. and Friday of last week the average fish I brought home was 11.75 inches and the largest of the fish were males in prime condition. All came off plastics. Thursday they were all over 1″ twisters on 1/32 heads fished under floats. Friday we switched to the Culprit Paddletail Grubs on the same heads and simply smoked them. On those two days we went through a rainbow of colors and fished several depths and found fish willing to hit down to 8 feet over 11 feet of water. About noon on that Friday the wind switched, the temperature dropped and the fish quit. They have not picked up again yet, so we definitely need to get some heat back in the water before they come on again. Next week…..

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks for the update Tom. Of course now that the weekend is here the fishing has cooled off as well as the temps. Hopefully the wind will help get rid of some ice by rockin rollin it like ice cubes to melt. Come Monday and back to work and all will be find. As for hanging on to my hair, well theres not alot on top anymore to hang on to. But my luck has to change as warmer temps are coming.
    Thanks, Bill

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    i agree……this wind blows (pun intended )

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks for the update Tom. ”Maybe have to” huh? I bet nobody has to twist your arm too much! lol. Keep us posted. Whats the hot technique this week Tom?
    Thanks, Bill

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    9″+ sunnies ……..where do i sign up???

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Gosh Jake – as your future employer, don’t think I like your new slogan………

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Hey Tom,

    Those were some real nice bluegills you had today, not to mention the crappies. Thanks for stopping in to let me see them! Sure does give me the itch to get out there and fish, but I wouldn’t want to make Bill get any more itchy than he already is – well maybe.

    Good Fishing,

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    yeah…….that just applies to my days off

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Tom, just ”had to” huh?! Ya right.
    As for Jake, love your honesty. And I see you are in trouble now.
    And for Mike, how come we don’t have a graemlin that is sticking his tongue out? Will this do?-
    Thanks, Bill

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    i dunno bill……ya think he can fire me before i even work one day (here’s your tounge by the way)

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    I’ve never tried that before Jake – interesting concept!
    Bill, I’m shocked!

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493


    sooooooooooooooooo, anywho………those are some nice fish ya got there tom …….but where’s the 10″ers? quite frankly, i’m dissapointed with the severe lack of effort

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Mike, shocked about Jakes honesty you mean?! Me too!!!
    Thanks, Bill

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Aoccdrnig to my pshcogoly porfsesor it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. Tihs is claeld “Top Dwon Porecssnig”…..The ailbity to aplpy hghier lveel knwoldege to raipldy ograzine sesnory ifornamtoin itno a maennignlufl prepectoin…..So in ohetr wrods…..

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Next you will be telling us that you put the jig hook in your own mouth and set the hook hoping to catch more fish. No wonder your fish count is so low and your words don’t sound right.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Made it out for about 90 minutes this afternoon. Kept 7 nice bluegills and 3 crappies. Everything on the same color Tom used. The bite was slower and lighter than what Tom had this morning. It was still great to get out and catch some fish! Now we just need to get Sir William out there!

    Good Fishing,

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Is there any other word besides ”fishing”? NOT!!!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Poor Tom! Home alone for 18 days and nothing to do but fish!
    If it was me, the fish would get a good workout, not to mention the can opener.

    Good Fishing,

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Silly Mike. You don’t find fish in a can, they are in the water!
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Is the water level up to summer level yet? Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Hey Tom, Hows the bite been for you at Lake Zumbro? Been using those new plastics to catch the crappies? Save some crappies for me Bud.
    Thanks, Bill

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